
Sunday, August 12, 2012

This is what CNN thinks is the biggest problem with Romney picking Ryan?

This is what CNN thinks is the biggest problem with Romney picking Ryan
But a serious downside to a Romney-Ryan ticket may be Ryan's specific policy ideas. Widely lauded in conservative circles, Ryan's budget plan will become front and center in the campaign. This is especially true for the fundamental restructuring of Medicare as proposed in the plan. Medicare and Social Security are typically viewed as the "third rail" of American politics, and presidential candidates have historically shied away from proposing sweeping changes to these programs.

They didn't seem to think that cutting the VA budget or selling it off to private for profit companies was a big deal. Do they even know about this? They talk about Ryan's budget but didn't seem interested in what the rest of his plan has in it.

If you want to know why CNN Hit 20-Year Weekday Primetime Low I just may be one example of why that happened. There are millions of Americans just like me.

CNN joined in the 24/7 coverage of politics and dropped everything else Americans care about. That isn't the only problem. They failed to actually report on the rest of the story when they covered politicians.

When Mitch McConnell and the Republicans became the party in charge of the congress, he didn't say their number one job was to put Americans back to work. He said their job was to make President Obama a one term president. Then they began to take the steps to do it.

The rest of the country had to pay for their plan to work. If they fixed anything, it wouldn't be in their best interest but they had to act as if they were doing something to earn their pay checks and their own insurance coverage. So they went after the deficit they had been silent about every year before.

Most of us remember the fact two wars were never in the budget but were put on the charge card with no plans on how to ever pay for them. The fact that billions were unaccounted for didn't matter before.

This didn't matter either.

Iraq Banks Billions in Surpluses, GAO Says The United States has appropriated about $48 billion for Iraqi reconstruction since 2003 and has committed all but about $6 billion.

They wanted to end the Affordable Care Act, they dubbed "Obamacare" and not fix what they thought was wrong with it. They took the easy way out and said just kill it. While this may have "fired up their base" it would have left millions right back where they were with no way to pay for a doctor visit and adult kids without any insurance up to 26.

They complained about the unemployment rate as millions of people were out of work and then made it worse by saying they had to cut the deficit and laid off public employees. They didn't say their number one job was to take care of veterans even though every day we saw more and more of them suffering without getting the care they not only needed, but earned when they lived up to their promise to defend this nation with their lives. There is a very long list of things they didn't say was their job and veterans ended up suffering for all of what they didn't want to do.

Veterans usually go into public service. It is in their blood to want to be of service to this country. They become police officers, firefighters and emergency responders. They go into healthcare and they become teachers. They go into public service working for their cities and towns to make them better. What happened? A lot of them lost their jobs with the budget cuts but CNN didn't seem to think any of this was important to mention. If they mentioned it at all, I missed it and so did most Americans.

They didn't seem interested in the fact that National Guards and Reservists on repeated deployments were coming back home with no jobs and no healthcare since they are not covered unless they are deployed and their families are not covered so if they get sick, they are on their own.

FOX Orlando
During the time that Marine Cpl. Adam Byler spent his 8 months in Afghanistan, his little girl, Adalynn, was born. When he recently came back home, it was love at first sight.

Adalynn Byler was pronounced on Monday evening and was on support in order to allow organ transplant teams to be set up. Her family was very generous in allowing other families to have their prayers/wishes/dreams answered. There are three lives whose futures changed on Tuesday by the forward and outward thinking of the Byler family.

But this happens all the time. Instead of CNN covering what is happening to so many military families and veterans, they just put on politicians from both parties to make whatever claims they want to make. Some political coverage is necessary but not as much as they decided to do especially when troops were being killed overseas and veterans right here were suffering, waiting for care they were promised.

The only good thing to come out of all of this is there is finally some incentive to hire veterans and companies are taking advantage of it. The unemployment rate for veterans has gone down. It could have gone down a lot lower if cable news stations devoted time to covering them all along.

When I go to events, there is always someone with a political point of view, but the majority of the veterans I am with are talking about their lives and what is going on with them as veterans and their kids serving today.

I don't watch CNN much anymore while I gave up on FOX cable news and MSNBC a very long time ago. They act as if politics are all that matters but most of us are fed up with that topic being covered most of the time. Oh, sorry I almost forgot that Anderson Cooper on CNN covers Syria a lot too.



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