
Sunday, August 19, 2012

DAV Orlando needs drivers too

I received the following email from the Orlando Disabled American Veterans Chapter 16 in response to the post I put up about volunteer drivers needed for Syracuse area VA.
The same thing can be said for the Orlando Veterans Affairs Medical Center (see article below), since they have four vans, but many days they do not have four drivers. There are days when only one driver is available.

We need to get the word out to the newspaper, radio stations, and tv stations, but I am not sure how.

If you can get the word out, I would appreciate it. I get letters from DAV headquarters in Cold Springs, Kentucky, that are letters passed on from veterans complaining they can not get rides in the DAV vans.

I am the VAVS representation for the Orlando V.A.M.C., but can not tell the VA what to do with the vans. Some drivers are only here during the winter, and like other "snowbirds," they go back north in the summer.

There is a code for how veterans must behave, and rules like no wheelchairs nor oxygen tanks.

Remember, many of these drivers are disabled too, and are older veterans themselves.

Please ask others if they can volunteer.

I think the transportation department at the VA can get rides for a few veterans who are special cases.

Lynx has special vans for wheelchairs and oxygen tanks, but they do charge a fee.

I was unconscious in 2008, so I can not be a driver.

Thanks for reading this.
Jonathan Turk

Considering the recent report about the Lake Nona VA stated there are now 500,000 veterans in Central Florida, the need is greater than ever! If you live near a VA hospital, connect with your local DAV and volunteer to drive these veterans so they can get their medical care.

DAV needs volunteer drivers in Syracuse area

Volunteer drivers needed for vets
Watertown Daily Times

Disabled American Veterans is looking for volunteer van drivers to take veterans to clinic appointments and to the Syracuse Veterans Affairs Medical Center.

“We’re in desperate need, especially in the north country,” said Andrew T. Newcomb, DAV transportation/hospital service coordinator. “The ones we have are being run ragged.”

The need will grow as the DAV has 13 new vans on order, which will replace some aging vehicles and add to existing service. Massena soon will have two vans instead of one; Watertown will grow from two vans to three; and Ogdensburg and Potsdam will receive replacement vans.

“We’re looking for as many drivers as we can possibly get,” Mr. Newcomb said. “Our needs are always for drivers and donations.”

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