
Friday, July 27, 2012

Michael saluted, raised a gun to his head and pulled the trigger

For too many veterans, the ultimate defeat
By Phil Stewart
updated 7/26/2012

CHAMPION, Ohio — On a warm summer afternoon in Champion, Ohio, Michael Ecker, a 25-year-old Iraq war veteran, called out to his father from a leafy spot in their backyard. Then, as the two stood steps apart, Michael saluted, raised a gun to his head and pulled the trigger.

"His eyes rolled back," his father, Matt, said softly as he recounted the 2009 suicide.

"There was just nothing I could do."

Weeks before he killed himself, Michael received a letter from the Department of Veterans Affairs accusing him of "over-reporting" the extent of his psychiatric problems. It was the culmination of a long struggle that Ecker, diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injury related to his service, had waged since returning home from the war to try to hold down a steady job, obtain VA disability benefits and resume a life as close to normal as possible.

"I've often thought about finding that doctor and saying, ‘Over-reporting?!' and giving him the death certificate," Matt Ecker said.

About once every half hour in America, a veteran within the VA healthcare system tries to commit suicide, according to VA figures for fiscal year 2011.
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  1. Thanks for your constant sacrifice to expose our military heroes and their struggles. The only person who gos to a better place after suicide is the victim. May God hold their hearts forever and may they be kick ass warriors in God's Army. May they be held in high esteem and may they always accomplish their mission. When we see them again in Glory, may their hearts, mind and bodies be whole for all eternity..... May we who are left here on earth, moms, dads, wives, husbands, children, brothers, sisters, friends and family, remember that:
    Everything that Satan uses for evil, God makes good.... I hope we can all help each other while we tarry for the Lord. May God's peace hold every broken heart for all eternity.

    Love, PFC Freddy Hook's mom
    Born to serve his country in 1990. Died by his own hand in 2010.

  2. Thank you. I don't want to do this anymore. I don't want to have my heart torn to pieces almost everyday but I won't quit because of people like you. I can't imagine how hard it is for you everyday to grieve knowing it didn't have to happen. That somehow, someway, your prayers will be answered and you won't have to read any more of these tragic deaths anymore. One day, that day will come if we keep fighting for them, talking about them and making sure America does not forget the other losses due to combat when they come home.


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