
Friday, May 18, 2012

VA claims in Oakland CA made veterans wait 320 days

State's DC delegation demands answers from VA concerning disability claims
By Matthias Gafni
Contra Costa Times

California's senators and representatives are demanding answers and accountability regarding the state's three Veterans Affairs regional offices -- all of which received scathing reviews last week for their slow and inaccurate handling of vets' disability claims.

Most of the state's congressional delegation, as well as Sens. Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer, signed a letter sent Thursday to the Veterans Affairs secretary following a critical report by the VA inspector general last week about the Oakland, Los Angeles and San Diego regional offices, which handle all of the state's veteran disability claims.

In Oakland last month, the office had average delays of 320 days, the second worst backlog of the nation's benefits centers, according to the VA inspector general report. One claim had been pending for eight years. In addition, 39 percent of the 90 disability claims inspected in Oakland were incorrectly processed.

read more here


  1. I've been waiting 371 days and still no rating.

  2. I am so sorry you're going through all of this. I hope you've been able to work at least and are not 100%. What do they think you guys are living off of when they tie up your claims this long?
    My husband's claim took 6 years way back in the 90's and I know how horrible it is. It adds too much stress to your life after you did your job in service.
    I hope your claim is approved soon but please, don't give up.
    There are a couple of things I suggest. Get some help with your claim from the Disabled American Veterans or the VFW.
    Make sure all your paperwork is right. Look for a different social security number on anything you have. Check everything they gave you. Claims were denied because someone typed in a wrong number so something important ended up in someone else's records.


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