
Friday, May 11, 2012

Old news new again!

May 13, 2012
Marine Dad Recounts Heartwarming Homecoming of Seeing His Son With Cerebral Palsy Walk For the First Time
by Fox and Friends

After traveling thousands of miles from Afghanistan to reunite with his family, Staff Sgt. Jeremy Cooney was the one who got the surprise of a lifetime. Doctors said his son Michael, who was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, would never be able to walk. His wife and the mother of their five children, Melissa Cooney, planned the surprise her husband’s homecoming so he would be able to see his son walk for the first time. The entire family joined Fox and Friends this morning to talk more about the heartwarming homecoming.
read more here
UPDATE May 12, 2012
OK, now CBS jumped on this too!

Marine returns from war to surprise

Are you wondering what took all of these "big boys" so long to pick up on such a fantastic story? I'm not really. Considering they have all been spending so much time on other things, it is no real big shocker a wonderful story like this was not important enough to pick up on. After all, they have the same ability to track these stories as I do. Actually, they have more ability but they just don't want to.

Got my answer,,,,the Huffington Post posted it yesterday and it looks like everyone else in the blog world jumped on it.

Jeremy Cooney, US Marine Sgt., Returns Home To Find Son With Cerebral Palsy Can Walk (VIDEO)

This is too funny to just let go. I got an alert on this story and scratched my head wondering what took the The Hill so long.

Marine Welcomed Home By Son Who Walks For the First Time

Posted on May 10, 2012 by TheTamminator // Hillbuzz
Get out the tissues, people.
via Gateway Pundit
© 2012, TheTamminator. All rights reserved.

Just too funny with "all rights reserved" considering I posted it way back in January!

January 31, 2012

Boy With Cerebral Palsy Walks Into The Arms Of Dad Returning From Afghanistan

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