
Saturday, May 12, 2012

Help wanted

I have two passions. One is our veterans and the other is videography. For 30 years I've been tracking reports on Combat PTSD and dedicated my life to defeating it. From 2008 to 2010 I trained as a Chaplain and specialized in Crisis Intervention. That wasn't enough. I just finished my 5th certificate in Digital Media Live Event from Valencia College. Then there is this blog I started in 2007 fast approaching 15,000 posts. All of this takes time and unfortunately a lot of money.

The cameras I need are $3,500 and up. Tripods, audio equipment, lighting and computer program costs have my head spinning and then there is the cost of getting to the events and interviews. So far everything has come out of my husband's pocket since I haven't had a paying job in 4 years. We're running out of money and it's about to get worse with student loans to pay back but I'm not asking for your money. I need your time and experience.

Point Man Of Winter Park has a federal tax exempt under Point Man International Ministries. The Florida tax exempt has been applied for and should be in soon. I need help to be able to take care of Central Florida Veterans and their families.

If you read this blog then you know how many events I cover. If not, you can watch most of them on the sidebar of this blog or you can go to YouTube Namguardianangel channel. Most of you know I started doing videos in 2005 because no matter how much I write or post on PTSD, the younger veterans are used to being entertained. It's the world we live in. Everything is digital!

This is what I need from you.

Accountant with 501(c3) experience willing to volunteer their time to keep me on the up and up. This is all too complicated and time consuming. It will take time away from the work I do and frankly this takes about 70 hours a week to do now.

Fundraiser willing to volunteer their time. I had to face it a long time ago. When it comes to promoting my work and raising money, I am terrible at it. The fact this blog manages to get over 30,000 hits a month stuns me but is more about the power of Google search engine than self promotion.

Facility to film interviews so veterans find hope they can heal too. I also need a place where veterans and their families can come to get support and learn what no one is telling them. On this I also need people willing to help out and be peer support. If you read this blog you know how important peer support is.

Leaders in Martial Arts, Yoga and meditation willing to join forces to help them learn how to calm down.

Clergy willing to help them heal spiritually without trying to convert them.

Mental Health professionals to come and see them when they are not willing or able to get into the VA.

I am up against the "big boys" all the time. I do what the media doesn't do when they don't show up to cover events. Again when I am up against the big charities getting the attention and donations. I need all the help I can get and I am smart enough to know I can't do it all.

If you can help please email me at or call 407-754-7526. If you know someone you think can help, please pass this on to them.

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