
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Veterans with PTSD more likely to get addictive painkillers

Veterans with PTSD more likely to get addictive painkillers despite the risks, VA study shows
By Associated Press, Updated: Tuesday, March 6, 4:34 PM

CHICAGO — Morphine and similar powerful painkillers are sometimes prescribed to recent war veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress along with physical pain, and the consequences can be tragic, a government study suggests.

These vets are at high risk for drug and alcohol abuse, but they’re two times more likely to get prescriptions for addictive painkillers than vets with only physical pain, according to the study, billed as the first national examination of the problem. Iraq and Afghanistan vets with PTSD who already had substance abuse problems were four times more likely to get these drugs than vets without mental health problems, according to the study.

Subsequent suicides, other self-inflicted injuries, and drug and alcohol overdoses were all more common in vets with PTSD who got these drugs. These consequences were rare but still troubling, the study authors said.
read more here


  1. I am a Viet Nam Vet, heavy combat, including being over-run by over 300 NVA and VC. Shot thru the chest, sucking chest wound, finger in hole. captured, rescued quickly. Lung removed. Much severe Pain. 43 years the VA provided meds then the Pill Mill law, NO MEDS at all now. Go to an outside doctor they said. Cost $$$$$. Cant do it anymore, broke. What do I do? Now in wheelchair and mad as hell. Can we sue the VA? I need help men. Thanks for reading this.

  2. I am assuming you had a claim approved by the VA. If that is true, then you should probably ask for another doctor. Contact the hospital administrator's office.

    If you didn't have a claim approved, then go to the DAV or the VFW online and find a service officer in your area. Don't fight the VA alone. Too many claims in the backlog pile.

    Yes you can sue the VA and others have done it.

    Iraqi war vet awarded $3.7 million in PTSD case against VA

    Just make sure the lawyer you get is representing you and not the money you can be awarded.

    I am not sure where you live but Google the area and veterans charities to get a list of them to contact. Unfortunately too many only want to help the OEF OIF veterans. There are a lot that do help ALL veterans and those are the charities to turn to.

    Are you getting Social Security Disability? Are you getting Medicare or Medicaid?

    If you contact the organizations above, they should be able to tell you what you are eligible for. DON'T GIVE UP!


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