
Sunday, March 4, 2012

‘Look Me In the Eye’ and Tell Me My Son Will Be Taken Care Of

David McArthur's heart is breaking for his son just like thousands of other parents but Romney did not set the record straight and he owed the truth to this Dad.

The VA budget has been increased and it was not "President Obama's Administration" cutting his son's benefits. The VA approves, disapproves and sets disability ratings. The claim backlog got worse when two wars were started but not funded and the wounded were not planned for. It got even worse when Vietnam veterans were encouraged to file claims and get help for PTSD, TBI and Agent Orange. It got worse when proving PTSD was made easier. Coming home wounded has gotten worse to go through because the planning for them came too late.

Where was all of this concern from Romney back then? There were less doctors and nurses working for the VA than after the Gulf War. Two wars producing more wounded veterans but less to take care of them? That is what we all need to remember. These men and women risk their lives everyday! They should not have to suffer when they come home and then be used in a political game. They serve no matter who is in charge, no matter what political party makes the rules but politicians use them all the time. Any politician running for office needs to tell them them the truth. We've heard too many promises from politicians saying they care and will fix things but the veterans keep suffering for all the talk they hear.

My husband, a Vietnam Vet had to fight to have his claim approved for six years back in the 90's, so none of this is new but shamefully old.

No war should ever be started unless the wounded are planned for ahead of time.

Father of Wounded Veteran to Mitt Romney: ‘Look Me In the Eye’ and Tell Me My Son Will Be Taken Care Of
by Huckabee Posted

David McArthur, a small business owner, became emotional when he asked Mitt Romney what he will do to take care of veterans like his son, who suffers from severe post-traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injury.

In tears, McArthur said to Romney, “The government has repeatedly denied services because his wounds aren’t visible. He will never be able to return to the regular work force. This week President Obama’s administration, again, cut his benefits. Sir, will you look me in the eye and tell me he’ll be taken care of.”
read more here


  1. We need to know:

    What injured David's son? Gunshot? Did he fall? Explosion?

    What was his MOS? Was he an MP? Infantry? Cook? Clerk? Was he even issued a weapon?

    Are there any pictures of the injuries? If ues, can you can post them?

    Why didn't David's dad tell Romney how his son was injured? Why didn't Romney ask?

    With all of the shammers who are lying about PTSD in order to collect unearned benefits, I am wondering why nobody is posing these questions.

    Frank de la Puente

  2. You have a lot of great questions and yes, they're important but none of them were addressed in this. It was a sound bite and that's just about it.

    The backlog of claims is terrible but they were worse even without the change in the rules to make it easier to file for PTSD and adding in Agent Orange claims.

    As for Romney, well, you know how it is. He'd have to actually have been interested in finding out in order to ask that question. They just wanted to use it as a sound bite trying to blame Obama. Would have been nice if they bothered to tell the truth and stop using veterans. Veterans have enough problems as it is and they deserve the whole truth.


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