Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Bill O'Reilly defended Rush instead of military women defending us

When I posted the question Does Rush Limbaugh think military women are "sluts" too? it was because friends were very upset over what Rush said. They take birth control pills to regulate their cycle and prevent pregnancy so they can do their jobs overseas without having to worry about being sent home because they end up pregnant. Keep in mind most of them are married and yes, they have sex with their husbands. They are also provided with birth control from their healthcare provided by the government just like every other healthcare need they have. With so many upset, it was easy to accept what else was happening in the military that left Rush and it turns out, Bill O'Reilly, blind to. They insulted women from all walks of life but especially military women.

Army Lieutenant Jessica Scott took to Twitter with the hash tag "I Am Not A Slut" and proved how upset they are publicly.

Now they are really fighting mad and want to make sure they don't have to listen to Rush when they are risking their lives overseas. Women veterans want Limbaugh off American Forces Network airwaves How long will it take for them to want O'Reilly off their airwaves too?

Rush Limbaugh Station and Advertiser Exodus Continues; Bill O'Reilly Slams Sandra Fluke
by Jordan Zakarin

Earlier in the evening, fellow conservative host Bill O'Reilly called Fluke "the center of the campaign to re-elect Barack Obama," and a "committed leftist," while slamming a so-called liberal media that he claimed was "demonizing conservative guys who are going after" Fluke.

Fallout over the radio host's controversial remarks continues.

The exodus from the Rush Limbaugh Radio Show continued on Monday night, with a second station and three more advertisers abandoning the under-fire conservative host.
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What the folks over at FOX don't seem to understand is that defending what Rush said ended up attacking a huge portion of their audience. The majority of the military lean toward the right but are a blend of all political parties. When the talkers over at FOX defend Rush, they are attacking their audience. Do these guys ever think about who is listening when they say whatever they want? Does every word out of their mouths have to be political?

The men and women in the military have drawn a line in the sand when it comes to their jobs and politics. They work together, depend on each other and yes, are willing to die for one of their own no matter what side of the fence they sit on politically. It would be nice if just once the folks at FOX could do the same for them.

FOX has an obligation to their audience and they have yet to live up to it. Since so many in the military and veterans are faithful viewers, they are wondering where the reports about them are. FOX is just like the rest of the cable news media ignoring their lives. They should have been on the front lines of the fight to save their lives when it came to combat PTSD and military suicides. They should have been one of the first stations to report on problems in military hospitals and VA healthcare instead of slamming the reporters doing their jobs as "liberal media" going after the Bush Administration.

Every cable news station needed to draw the line and take care of the men and women risking their lives for this country everyday but none of them lived up to it. They are all too busy reporting on politics dividing us and celebrities in trouble instead of actually doing something for servicemen and women. This whole thing is a disgrace beyond imagination!


'It was absolutely appalling': How glamorous soldier (and mother-of-two) shamed Rush Limbaugh on Twitter with '#I am not a slut'
Jessica Scott began series of tweets after controversial radio host called college student a 'slut' over heated debate on contraception
Online campaign galvanised women's outrage to Rush Limbaugh's comments which eventually led to him apologising
Eight advertisers have now dropped their adverts on his show
Last updated at 5:47 PM on 5th March 2012
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