
Friday, February 10, 2012

Obama Pulls Combat Pay for U.S. Troops email is false

Don't always trust what you read in emails. I just received this and it took all of five seconds to find the truth.

Obama Pulls Combat Pay for U.S. Troops
February 4, 2012 | Filed under: Florida Review | Posted by: Javier Manjarres
By Javier Manjarres
President Obama’s latest policy outrage makes no attempt to hide his contempt for our military, as he is ordering that our troops serving overseas in war zones overseas are not to receive combat pay unless they are being shot at, or at risk of being injured by hostile aggression. A Marine who lives in Florida(also currently serving in Afghanistan) has just posted a note on Facebook which stated that he received a letter from his MyPay account that he would only be receiving his Hazard pay (Imminent Danger Pay) if he is actually in a hostile area and at risk of being shot at.
So I just got a letter from MyPay (the way we get paid in the military), saying that I will only reason Combat Pay while deployed for the days that I take fire or am in a hostile area. Now, as an Infantry Marine, I’m constantly in a combat zone…it may not always be popping off, but for them to take that away from us is bullshit. Now, the aviation tech who sits on Camp Leatherneck, sure, I can see him not getting Combat Pay, but to take it away from the grunts, the ground pounders, the front line of defense…come on, Uncle Sam. You let the Liberals win a big one here… Marine from Florida (We are not posting his name for obvious reasons)
According to, and the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012 (H.R. 1540-7 Sec 616) as of February 1, 2012, this new measure went into effect, and soldiers who are to receive the additional $225/mo. combat pay ‘must’ be in immediate risk of harm. The measure is very specific in its criteria for receiving the additional pay.
The rules for Hostile Fire and Imminent Danger Pay have changed. Service members will now receive imminent danger pay only for days they actually spend in hazardous areas. This change went in effect on February 1, 2012.

Here's what really happened.

Berkley Votes to Give America’s Troops A Pay Raise -- Republicans Vote to Block Combat Pay Increase

(May 26, 2011 -- Washington, D.C.) Congresswoman Shelley Berkley today voted to give America's troops serving in combat zones a $100 per month pay increase, only to see the effort blocked by House Republicans. Despite the support of Berkley and more than 180 of her Democratic colleagues, Republicans defeated a motion that would have increased combat pay for designated members of the U.S. armed forces.
The motion to provide the pay raise was defeated by Republicans during debate on H.R. 1540, The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012. The legislation was approved this afternoon by the full House.
"I am shocked that instead of supporting an increase in combat pay for our troops, Republicans opposed giving an extra $100 per month to these men and women in uniform. At a time when our armed forces are serving in Iraq, Afghanistan and other combat zones, and with Memorial Day fast approaching, this vote sends the wrong signal to those willing to sacrifice their lives in order to protect our nation's freedoms. I am proud to have voted to give this raise in combat pay to our troops and I know many Nevadans are disappointed that House Republicans chose to put politics above rewarding the dedication and hard work of American military personnel serving in harm's way," Berkley said.
Congress sets pay, not the President.

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