
Friday, November 11, 2011

Returning Heroes and Wounded Warrior Tax Credits Passes Senate

Kathie --

Happy Veterans Day.

It's a special one. Yesterday, the Senate passed the President's jobs plan to help veterans find work after returning home. It's a huge victory for the men and women who served with honor and distinction, and in many cases put their lives on the line for us.

To say thank you to veterans and their families this holiday weekend, President Obama recorded a personal message of gratitude.

This wouldn't have happened without your persistence and the President's refusal to take no for an answer. That's why he insisted on Congress voting on parts of the American Jobs Act -- one by one -- until they finally did the right thing.

The two bills that the Senate passed yesterday, the Returning Heroes and Wounded Warrior Tax Credits, will give businesses up to $9,600 back for hiring veterans who are out of work or who have service-related disabilities. That's on top of new career resources that the President announced this week to support the more than 850,000 unemployed veterans living here at home, and more than a million returning from Iraq and Afghanistan in the next few months and years.

One of the highest duties we share as Americans is to serve the men and women who've served us. We simply couldn't wait for these commonsense steps to help our veterans. And thanks to Democrats and Republicans in the Senate putting country before party, we won't need to.

Watch the President's personal Veterans Day message and then share it with family and friends:

Of course, the fight for jobs is far from over, but yesterday proved that Congress can still come together to do the right thing when Americans demand it. So let's keep the pressure on.



Jim Messina
Campaign Manager
Obama for America

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