
Friday, September 30, 2011

GAO: 4 percent of VA copayments inaccurate

If there is anyone out there not understanding veterans are not covered for everything for free, this should clear that up.

GAO: 4 percent of VA copayments inaccurate
By Patricia Kime - Staff writer
Posted : Friday Sep 30, 2011 12:26:41 EDT
In 2009, the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee’s health panel called Department of Veterans Affairs officials on the carpet for what advocates and lawmakers said were “inappropriate billing practices” resulting in veterans being overcharged for medical service copayments.

But a newly released review of VA’s 56 million copayment bills in 2010 by the Government Accountability Office shows VA has an accuracy rate of 96 percent. Still, that means about 2.3 million copayment amounts were inaccurate last year, the GAO report said.

VA collects payment from veterans or their insurance companies for treatment and prescriptions for conditions not related to military service.
At the 2009 hearing, representatives of the Paralyzed Veterans Association, Disabled American Veterans and the American Legion reported incidents of veterans paying erroneous bills and never being reimbursed. Some veterans also were billed multiple times for a single service or received incorrect bills months after services were rendered.
read more here

One more thing to understand is that if they have a claim not approved, they have to pay out of pocket or their insurance unless they can prove they are unable to pay.

Considering members of congress get to keep their full coverage after they leave office, this shows how little the congress does in fact value the troops and veterans. The troops are just not worth as much as they are to themselves. Most people don't know members of congress walk out with great benefits that last the rest of their lives no matter if they go to work for private companies or not. Ask Bachmann if she plans on ending her benefits when she leaves office the way she wants military retirees to give their benefits up.

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