
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Amputations Up Sharply for Troops in Afghan War

Amputations Up Sharply for Troops in Afghan War
September 21, 2011
Associated Press|by Pauline Jelinek
WASHINGTON -- The counterinsurgency tactic that is sending U.S. troops out on foot patrols among the Afghan people, rather than riding in armored vehicles, has contributed to a dramatic increase in arm and leg amputations, genital injuries and the loss of multiple limbs following blast injuries.

These devastating injuries affect unit morale. They also give rise to talk on the battlefield that some troops had made secret pacts not to help each other survive if they were so severely injured, a new report said Tuesday.

The number of U.S. troops who had amputations rose sharply from 86 in 2009, to 187 in 2010 and 147 so far this year, military officials said Tuesday, releasing the report on catastrophic wounds.

Of those, the number of troops who lost two or three limbs rose from 23 in 2009 to 72 last year to 77 so far this year. Only a dozen or so of all amputations came from Iraq and the rest were from Afghanistan, where militants are pressing the insurgency with roadside bombs, handmade land mines and other explosives.
read more here

There are two Iraq veterans with amputations in this video. They are not just numbers, but young men with so much hope for their future it is clear to see. They don't want you to feel sorry for them but they need your help to make sure their future is as bright as possible. When you hear them, notice that no matter what happened to them, they are hopeful.

Paul "Russ" Marek
Branch: Army
Rank: Staff Sergeant
Home: Melbourne, FL

SSG Paul Russell Marek was serving with the 4th Battalion, 64th Armor Regiment of the Army's 3rd Infantry Division in Iraq when his tank was destroyed by an IED. Three of his crew members perished in the explosion and Russ lost his right leg and right arm, his right ear and left thumb and suffered brain injury and severe burns over 20 percent of his body. That happend on September 16, 2005 as he rode in a tank near Baghdad.
Homes for Our Troops already built a home for Russ. Russ went to visit Winter, the dolphin with the missing tail, and found hope knowing a dolphin without a tail could learn to swim, he could learn to walk missing a leg and adapt with the missing arm.

Luis Puertas
Branch: Army
Rank: Specialist
Home: Orlando, FL

Army SPC Luis Puertas was left a double amputee after an EFP explosion in Baghdad, Iraq, on September 20, 2006. SPC Puertas was the driver of the lead HUMVEE on a daily patrol near Sadr City when an unseen EFP, planted at the base of a light pole launched into the vehicle, amputating both of his legs on impact. Leaving him trapped beneath the 400 pound up-armored door of the HUMVEE. Miraculously, his team was able to extricate him from the wreckage, and prepare him for medevac from the scene.

Homes for Our Troops is almost done building a home for Luis. He's full of hope too. After all, he met his girlfriend Amber after he came home from Iraq and they fell in love.

I met these incredible veterans when the Orlando Nam Knights held an event to raise money to help build the house.

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