
Thursday, August 18, 2011

Bachmann wants to first cut and then kill benefits for veterans

Given the fact her "groupies" cheered when she wished Elvis "happy birthday" when it was actually the anniversary of his death, these same people cheer her when she says she wants to cut benefits to veterans. These are the type of people supporting her. They just don't give a damn about the men and women willing to die for this country today or for our veterans. Shame on all of them! These same folks support the wealthy and want to make sure they get to keep their tax breaks then they dare to suggest cutting back on the debt we owe our veterans?

Oh, by the way, she likes to talk about the fact she was a "foster Mom" and ended up being paid by the government to take in these kids, but doesn't want to talk about that or the fact her "business" with her husband/Doctor must have been paid by tax payers Medicare and Medicaid payments.

If you support her you need to ask yourself when you started to hate veterans!

Michele Bachmann gaffes continue with Elvis, while attacking military benefits
Submitted by Dave Masko on 2011-08-17

EUGENE, Ore. -- She never served in the military, but she has a plan for “freezing” Veterans health care at a time when U.S. military members are giving everything they have and ever will have in fighting the War on Terror; Rep. Michele Bachmann also wished Elvis “happy birthday” on the 34 anniversary of his death Aug. 16.

Republican presidential hopeful Michele Bachmann – nicknamed the “Queen of Rage” – unveiled a plan earlier this year “for cutting $400 in federal spending that includes freezing Veterans Affairs Department health care spending and cutting veterans’ disability benefits,” reported Air Force Times. Also, Tea Party favorite Bachmann “got her Elvis Presley dates all shook up during a campaign stop in South Carolina. Backmann told a crowd of 300 that she wanted to say happy birthday to the King of Rock and Roll. But Aug. 16 is the anniversary of Elvis’ death, in 1977, and someone in the crowd shouted back, ‘He died today!’ Bachmann didn't respond and launched into her speech,” MSNBC reported Aug. 17.

Bachmann wants to first cut and then kill benefits for veterans

Representative Bachmann’s plan for freezing VA health care, and then cutting our disability benefits “turned me off to her right away. Who does she think she is,” asserted Sandra whose husband is a Vietnam War veteran being cared for at a VA clinic here in Eugene.

“Why does she want to hurt our boys like this,” added this veteran’s wife with the message in her eyes starkly bemused. “Bachmann wants to cut government, fine, but don’t cut our soldiers who’ve served this country with honor and distinction.”

Paul Sullivan, executive director of Veterans for Common Sense, said Bachmann’s plan to cut “veterans’ health care spending is an ill-advised move at a time when the number of veterans continues to grow as troops return from Iraq and Afghanistan. Sullivan said he finds it difficult to see how VA could freeze health care costs without hurting veterans.

“It is really astonishing to see this,” Sullivan added in a recent Air Force Times report on this GOP plan to cut both VA spending and the current military’s retirement system.

Also, Warren Buffet said in an Aug. 15 op-ed page of the New York Times that “the poor and middle class fight for us in Afghanistan.”

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