
Saturday, July 30, 2011

Troops should not have to worry about pay on top of everything else

If I hear one more elected official whine about the need to not raise taxes on anyone, including ending the funding of the wealthy with their tax cuts, while the troops are worried about being paid while in combat, I'll never vote again. I haven't missed one single election since the age of 18 and thought it was my duty to vote but it is sickening when members of congress causing this mess don't have to worry about their own pay but the troops do. Veterans do. The elderly do. These debts have been paid forward already so why are a bunch of men and women elected to office able to get paid for shooting off their mouths but those shot at have to worry yet again about their pay checks?

Mullen hears litany of budget, debt worries from troops as he travels Afghanistan

By Associated Press

CAMP LEATHERNECK, Afghanistan — A half a world away from the Capitol Hill deadlock, the economy and debt crisis are weighing heavily on U.S. troops in Afghanistan.

And the top question on their minds Saturday even as bombings rocked the city around them, was one the top U.S. military officer couldn’t answer.

Will we get paid?

“I actually don’t know how the answer to that question,” Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff told a group of troops, while at the same time telling them they will continue to go to work each day.

But he offered a bit more optimism than defense officials have acknowledged when those questions have come up in recent weeks.
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Mullen hears litany of budget, debt worries

Tough talk about putting their foot down for yet another round of them wanting to take away from others to help out the rich is evil. How many times will they be allowed to get away with this? When will they make sure the people defending this nation have at least their pay protected? They have enough to worry about already like if they will have jobs when they are discharged but this congress has not been interested in creating any jobs. They've been too busy taking them away. State after state has lost jobs but this congress doesn't give a damn. They point to the fact the "stimulus" money didn't work without ever saying that all the money was not used and too much of it is still sitting in the bank.

Congress gets paid if they work or not so they just don't care at all.

Editorial: Will Speaker Boehner and Tea Party Stop Veterans' Disability Checks?
Written by VCS
Friday, 29 July 2011 14:19

Veterans' Social Programs Remain Vital Success for Veterans and America
July 29, 2011 (VCS) - Is history repeating itself? On July 28, 1932, veterans died in Washington, DC for our freedom to assemble and demand action from our government.

On that date, World War I veterans had gathered on the National Mall to collect deferred pay, only to be met with indifference by Congress and Republican President Herbert Hoover, claiming there was no money. Hoover fought for business deregulation, fought against social programs, and he fought for low taxes for the rich and corporations, some of the causes of our Great Depression. Sound familiar?
Let us take a moment today and thank the Bonus Army marchers. In the end, Hoover's maltreatment of veterans is credited, in part, with the landslide victory of Democratic President Franklin D. Roosevelt, who later saved our country from the Great Depression with his extensive and successful New Deal social programs. Congress eventually paid the veterans in 1936. The U.S. military, led by FDR, would later defeat Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan, and Fascist Italy in World War II.
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Will Speaker Boehner and Tea Party Stop Veterans Disability Checks

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