Thursday, July 14, 2011

Putting the needy on the chopping block to feed the greedy

Pretty much, this sums up what is going on in a lot of states and what we're heading to if some in congress keep putting the needy on the chopping block to feed the greedy.

Government shuts down after no budget deal in Minnesota
By Andrea Billups-The Washington Times
It’s lights out for Minnesota.

A Democratic governor who sought to raise taxes on the wealthiest residents bumped heads with a Republican-controlled legislature, and their protracted budget impasse shut down state government just after midnight on Friday.
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Government shuts down after no budget deal in Minnesota

The unemployment rate went up for among other reasons, the cut backs. State after state has laid off employees. Why? Because they didn't want to cut the tax breaks the wealthy have received.

Now we have more and more veterans coming home with no jobs. Why? Because many of them go to work still serving others as police and firefighters. You know, public employees, watching out for the rest of the people in their communities.

Some folks in congress want to make the wealthy they call "job creators" sacred. Doesn't matter to them if the jobs they've created over the last ten years have been overseas or not, or that we lost jobs while they kept enjoying protection from congress. It sounds good to say they are taking care of the "job creators" so they're sticking to it.

They don't care about the veterans or the elderly or anyone else. People who worked all their lives, sacrificed for their country are told they are not worth the money at the same time these same folks stand up and scream about not raising taxes on the wealthy. We need to be asking how serious they are about the debt. The first cut should be on what the wealthy had be given by the rest of the tax payers in this country and the last should be taking away from what people already paid for. Social Security was paid for by working people. The VA was paid for by wounded veterans serving this country. The unemployed veterans paid for their right to work the day they signed the blank check to Uncle Sam.

Tell your member of congress you need them to fight for you since you elected them instead of their rich friends that paid for them to run for office.

Debt dispute has Social Security recipients worried and angry

PORT ORANGE -- Marvin Mackey was looking forward to his first $971 Social Security check in August after winning a six-year legal battle for approval of his disability benefits.

Now, the 47-year-old Army veteran from Daytona Beach may have to wait a little longer if President Barack Obama and Congress can't agree soon on a deal to raise the nation's debt limit.

Obama said Tuesday he can't guarantee Social Security, disability and veterans' checks will go out Aug. 3 if there isn't an agreement by Aug. 2 on the debt limit. "There may simply not be the money in the coffers to do it," he said in an interview with CBS News.

About 70 million of those checks are issued to Americans every month.

"The senior citizens and the disabled people need that money to live off," said Mackey, who already collects $243 a month in veterans' benefits and suffers from what he said are service-related back problems and post traumatic stress disorder.
read more here
Debt dispute has Social Security recipients worried and angry

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