
Thursday, July 21, 2011

New Guide Helps Communities Aid Homeless Women Vets

New Guide Helps Communities Aid Homeless Women Vets

By Cheryl Pellerin
American Forces Press Service
WASHINGTON, July 20, 2011 – The Women’s Bureau of the Department of Labor has released an online publication that will help community service providers aid homeless women veterans, Labor Secretary Hilda L. Solis said today.

Solis addressed an audience of several hundred at the Women in Military Service for America Memorial Theater on the grounds of Arlington National Cemetery.

“Where we’re falling short in meeting the challenge of service women is when they come home,” Solis said.

“Too many women who once wore our uniform now go to sleep in our streets,” she added. “It breaks my heart to see that because many of them are sick [and] in need of help, and many are hungry. And it isn’t just them -- some of them have children.”

The publication, called Trauma-Informed Care for Women Veterans Experiencing Homelessness: A Guide for Service Providers, also known as the Trauma Guide, is the result of nationwide listening sessions with women veterans and service providers about the challenges of homelessness.

Women now make up 20 percent of new recruits, 14 percent of the military and 18 percent of the National Guard and Reserve.

Women represent only 8 percent of veterans, according to the guide, but they are at a four-times-greater risk of homelessness than their nonveteran male counterparts.
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New Guide Helps Communities Aid Homeless Women Vets

1 comment:

  1. What the heck is wrong with this country and the people living here. What Hypocrites! More and more each day, it makes it easier to believe what the Bible says of who "Esau' is, among many other Ungodly things it says "They are a people who live in their own Vainess! meaning their words are Shallow and Meaningless, i.e, not worth the paper its printed on. I am not an advocate of war, but these young men and women go out and fight this country's wars, putting their lives on the line to protect the shallow, the vain the weak and the strong, the old the young, the child and the adult,the rich and the poor, yet America speaks about honoring these young men and women spewing words of bravery, honor, and patriotism, but in reality their words are nothing more than shallow, vain rhetoric ! To let these young men and women who sacrifice their lives and put their lives on the line every day come back home to homelessness, living in shelters, no jobs, some even without family, is a National Disgrace, its Criminal and Downright Digusting. It's an Outrage! Is this the best that America can do for these soldiers, A country which is considered one of the Greatest countries in the world, is this the Best America has to offer these Brave Men and Women, these Brave Soldiers! Shame on America!!! Shame! Shame! Shame!


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