
Sunday, July 31, 2011

Defending discounts to debutantes while ditching defenders

Just can't take it anymore right now. Screaming at the TV doesn't do much good so here's a rant to let me blow off some steam.

Defending discounts to debutantes while ditching defenders is sickening but some folks in congress are damn proud of it. Isn't that what all of the fighting about the debt has been about? They say let everyone suffer because paying down the debt is so all fired important all of a sudden but you better not touch the tax cuts the wealthy have. The troops? Veterans? Security with police and firefighters? Well, guess average people in this country no longer matter and security is now just a memory of a buzz word they used for years to frighten people. That words has been replaced by the boogyman of "debt" but they forget about the debts we already owed.

Some in congress are no longer ashamed they want to cut spending on veterans after years of struggling to begin to be able to have wounds treated, like Agent Orange and PTSD. Some go after retirement as if they shouldn't be able to collect military retirement and social security even though they paid for it.

Orlando just sent off reservists heading into Afghanistan to risk their lives stopping bombs from blowing up more of our soldiers. Instead of just worrying about doing what they have to do, we sent them off worrying about getting their paychecks to pay their bills. Such a sorry comment on how little some in congress really think about them.

We used to hear a lot of talk about how the President had to be supported if we supported the troops but that was a different President back then. Now this President doesn't even deserve a tiny bit of respect from them and supporting the troops means nothing. Didn't they think we'd notice any of this?

The rest of the world has been watching and there is more than just our credit rating at stake here. We're losing our honor. We are showing the world that in this country the American dream has become a nightmare for the many so that dreams can come true for the wealthy as they ship our jobs overseas and then get tax cuts for doing it. Our troops come home with no jobs to go to if they are lucky enough to be able to work and if not, they have to wait for a year or more to be able to see an approved claim with a disability check.

There was a report a couple of years ago saying that more and more military folks were leaving the Republican party to become Independent. I bet after all this, there won't be any more military families in the Republican party. That party has been hijacked and they are just too greedy to notice the difference they are trying to make in this county will destroy it.

McConnell toned it down a bit in this but it pretty much sums it up.

The Dems used it in this video and from what we've all seen the last year, they are doing whatever it takes no matter how many of us have to suffer.

Now the Dems have shown some backbone, which is good but it's too little to late for the people who switched over to being Independents. Maybe someday the folks in Washington on both sides will remember that while the wealthy do fund their retirement, if we didn't vote for them, they would be just another rich debutante wanting to hang out with people just like them and ignore the rest of us.

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