
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

PTSD numbers closer to 800,000

Here is a challenge to radio talk show hosts on both sides. How about you stop just talking about the other side and start standing up for the side of the men and women risking their lives for the sake of this country? Aren't they worth it to you?

PTSD incorrectly calculated among soldiers: Veteran's Administration
Story Created: Jun 15, 2011 at 9:40 AM CDT
Story Updated: Jun 15, 2011 at 9:40 AM CDT
(WFRV)-- While the war rages on in Afghanistan the military continues to cope with a battle here at home, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

To date, the military has diagnosed 78,000 cases of PTSD, but the Veteran's Administration says that number is inaccurate.

The V.A. say the real number is closer to 800,000.
read more here
PTSD incorrectly calculated among soldiers

Rush's front page
A Good Night for Conservatism

Your host's notes on the Republican presidential debate.

Parody: Obama and Biden Watch the Debate

Gibbs Gives Us the 2012 Theme: It's All Still George W. Bush's Fault
As predicted, the regime cannot run on its own record.

Obama's Lie About Shovel-Ready Stimulus Jobs is Tragic, Not Funny
This is no laughing matter. Our economy is in tatters.

Luddite Bamster Blames ATM Machines for High Unemployment
Wait a minute. Did George W. Bush invent the ATM?

Why El Rushbo Doesn't Endorse
It's up to the candidates to go out there and win it.

The Roots of the Financial Crisis

Here's the reason we have this whole mess: Democrats.

• Buy It! Reckless Endangerment: How Outsized Ambition, Greed, and Corruption Led to Economic Armageddon - Gretchen Morgenson & Joshua Rosner

Obama: I'm Not a Partisan Guy
The One tries to recast himself, but it won't work.

Weiner Rehab Could Take "Years"

The Democrats try to push a sick man out of his job.

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Sean Hannity
GOP 2012 Hopefuls Take Stage, Target Obama
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

MANCHESTER, N.H. -- Republican White House hopefuls condemned President Barack Obama's handling of the economy from the opening moments of their first major debate of the campaign season Monday night, and pledged emphatically to repeal his historic year-old health care overhaul.

"When 14 million Americans are out of work we need a new president to end the Obama Depression," declared former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, the first among seven contenders on stage to criticize the president's economic policies.

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Ed Shultz

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Ed Schultz broadcasts the radio show from 30 Rock in New York City.

Mary Bell, President of the Wisconsin Education Association Council joins the 1st hour of Wednesday's show to discuss the next step for Wisconsin teachers.

Con. Jan Schakowsky, D-IL, joins the 2nd hour of Wednesday's show to discuss Michelle Bachmann's performance in Monday night's debate.

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-VT, joins the 2nd hour of Wednesday's show to discuss Oil Speculation.

Utility Workers Union President Mike Langford joins the 3rd hour of Wednesday's show to discuss anti-union legislation.

John Nichols, Washington correspondent for The Nation, joins the 3rd hour of Wednesday's show to discuss the situation in Wisconsin.

The Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled on a 4-3 decision that a controversial measure that curbs the collective bargaining rights of public workers in the state can go into effect. We'll talk about it.

The Obama administration is asking the business community to persuade lawmakers that if Congress does not act in time to raise the country's borrowing cap, a default will have dire consequences. We'll give you the details.

House Speaker John Boehner, R-OH, urged President Barack Obama to explain the legal grounds for the continued U.S. military involvement in Libya. We'll bring you the latest.

We'll have your calls and the latest news, Wednesday on The Ed Schultz Show.

Stephanie Miller
LiveBlog for Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Written on June 15, 2011
• Hal Sparks joins us in the Los Angeles Bureau at 9am ET / 6am PT for another edition of Humpdays With Hal

• Julie Bolcer, NY correspondent for The Advocate, calls in at 9:30am ET / 6:30am PT to talk about the imminent vote in NY on marriage equality

• Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) calls in at 10:05am ET / 7:05am PT to talk about the economy and jobs

• Raven Brooks, Executive Director of Netroots Nation, calls in at 10:30am ET / 7:30am PT to talk about this weekend’s Netroots Nation Convention in Minneapolis

• Rep. Cedric Richmond (D-LA) calls in at 11:05am ET / 8:05am PT to talk about the economy and jobs

• Mo Gaffney, comedian, writer, and activist, calls in at 11:30am ET / 8:30am PT to talk about her role in Standing On Ceremony: The Gay Marriage Plays

• A federal judge’s refusal Tuesday to invalidate last year’s ruling against California’s Proposition 8 established for the first time that gay judges may decide gay rights cases without having to defend their impartiality.

• A divided Wisconsin Supreme Court handed Republican Gov. Scott Walker a major victory Tuesday, ruling that a polarizing union law that strips most public employees of their collective bargaining rights could take effect.

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