
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Ed Koch wants McCain to help veterans? Really?

Welcome Home, Soldier
Ed Koch
Former Mayor, New York City
The New York Times of May 28, 2011 brought to the attention of the American public the failure of our government to adequately attend to the medical problems of our soldiers who suffered war injuries, physical and mental. This has resulted in thousands of suicides among the returning soldiers.

This part is ok so far but leaves me wondering if he has not been paying attention this far. After all we've been reading all these terrible reports for nine years now, five of those years right here on this blog.
I am a veteran of World War II, honorably discharged in 1946 as a sergeant, having served in the 104th Infantry Division, receiving the combat infantry badge and two battle stars. My suggestion is that President Obama appoint a commission to look into the providing of services to veterans immediately.
This part shows he has not been paying attention because he suggests McCain get involved with helping the veterans when his history of votes has been against veterans!
Because of their history of service and bravery in the Vietnam War and service in so many ways to our country, I suggest the president consider appointing Senators John McCain and John Kerry as co-chairs.

I further suggest they consider recruiting the lawyers of this country through the many bar associations, to volunteer pro bono, to serve as advocates for any soldier whether remaining in the U.S. armed forces or a veteran needing assistance, medical or otherwise, from the government, authorized by law and not receiving it in a timely way.
Koch is also wrong on this since the reports of pro-bono lawyers have been around for years. So what is this all about? Does he feel as if the veterans need attention and he is suddenly aware of what's been happening to them or does Koch need attention? To even suggest McCain for anything with veterans is a slap in the face to veterans across this country. He's gotten away with doing a lot of talking and betraying them right after with his votes.

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