
Thursday, May 5, 2011

We needed better than us

There is a lot of talk about if Osama's death pictures should be shown or not. Today Bill Bennett was on CNN and said that pictures are needed after murders but failed to mention the fact the general public doesn't get to see the pictures unless there is a body covered up by a sheet. Only the jury, judge and lawyers get to see them. They need to see them but the public doesn't. Bennett must be watching too much TV to get that fact mixed up with what he wants released. We don't need to see a dead Osama as much as we want to see them.

Today something wonderful happened and it had nothing to do with politics. Today it was all about the people this nation lost almost 10 years ago. These are some of the pictures we should want to see now that the man behind so much pain is dead.

That's what we really should be talking about now. When we needed the best of us to show up after the planes hit the towers, the firemen and cops showed up. The best of us were there no matter if the people in trouble were Democrats, Republicans, Independents or didn't vote at all. They didn't care about anything other than people needed help. Goodness rose out of the pit of hell Osama tried to create.

Block after block around the country in huge cities and tiny towns flew flags outside their homes and on their cars. Politics faded away and every member of congress stood together in a moment of silence, united in grief just as the rest of the nation did. We held the firemen and police officers in our prayers, but then people played politics and tried to keep them from getting what they needed to take care of their health afterwards. Today it was about them.

We waved flags and sent young men and women off to fight against the people behind the attacks, then we turned our backs on them when it took too long, cost us too much money and the wounded just got too expensive to take care of. While most of the country thinks the troops are home instead of 150,000 still risking their lives far away from their homes and families, they do it everyday anyway.

We took down our flags a long time ago and ended up just putting them up for the 4th of July as if the flags were just one more decoration to put up in celebration of a day off of work forgetting that over 5,000 of their bodies have come home covered in a flag that was paid for with their lives.

When people allow the best of us to be forgotten and ignored, let politics trump all else, then we will be wondering why no one is showing up when the rest of us need the best of us.

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