
Thursday, May 12, 2011

A Vietnam Veteran, hero laid to rest with love

Vietnam Veteran Kenneth Mead will be laid to rest tomorrow surrounded by people who cared so much, they stepped up to make sure his life was honored. This is one of those stories that happens all over this country that you don't read about in the newspapers or see reported on the local news but should be covered since it shows how many people do in fact care about our veterans. The people who used to be in Kenny's life may have forgotten about him, but he was not forgotten by everyone. Read this and see what miracles can happen.
Dear Friends and Family,

Several days ago, I sent you the email below. The response was nothing short of one miracle after another. First, as we were trying to figure out exactly what the Veterans Affairs would cover and what it would not cover for Kenneth's burial, Kenneth's body was erroneously released to be buried as a penniless indigent. Upon learning this, our hero (who does not want to be considered a hero) Tony Rufrano instantly went to work, and conscripted his faithful assistant, Allan Hawthorne the funeral director with the Veterans Funeral Care in Clearwater, who rescued Kenny's remains at the last hour and has since become the custodian and caretaker at this point.

We learned that the Veteran's Affairs will cover a burial plot and small headstone. So we are paying for Kenny's proper internment with the assistance of Allan's generous discounts. Kenneth will be buried with full military honors. The total that we are paying for the preparation of the remains and other requisite items is $2200.00 which includes the $300.00 fee that we must pay to the previous funeral home that was going to handle Kenny as a nameless indigent, and which thereafter released Kenny's remains to the Veterans Funeral Care.

Kenny has now acquired many more friends than I imagine he ever thought possible. And we who never had the privilege of knowing Kenny, are learning more about him from his musician friends in New York.

We know now that Kenny served in the Army and was honored with two (2) purple hearts for his bravery in Viet Nam. Kenny was shot while serving in Viet Nam, rehabilitated, sent back to Viet Nam, and shot yet again. Upon returning home from active duty, Kenny worked an undercover Sky Marshall on commercial airline flights; and thwarted an attempted high-jacking without any loss of life. According to Kenny's dear friend Michael Secondo, that just scratches the surface of the Kenny Mead survival stories.

We also discovered that Kenny was not just tapping a tabletop with his drum sticks. No, Kenny was an accomplished jazz drummer and arranger. Yes, it turns out that our nameless unknown Kenny was in fact a Jazz Great --right there with the best of the best. Oddly no one could locate many pictures of Kenny. Perhaps this is because, as most Greats go, Kenny appears to have avoided the camera. Perhaps Kenny was most comfortable making music rather than showcasing it. My regret as a jazz singer, is that I was never able to meet Kenny. Somehow I feel as if I know him now.

In several days, we have raised a total of $1710.00 and my law firm will be covering the difference as Tony Rufrano has graciously fronted all of the burial expenses.

Funny thing about those veterans. They REALLY DO love our country, and I have seen a very fierce love and loyalty for one of their own. The emails that have come across my desk from members of the Nam Knights and Patriot Guard, -- motorcycle veterans who humbly without seeking any recognition honor their beloved fallen brothers (and sisters I interject) -- have been staggering.

Dean Clark, Army Chaplain and Dean of the St. Luke's Episcopal Church in Orlando, immediately jumped into action and will be conducting the gravesite ceremony.

What began as a man dying alone in his home seemingly with no family or friends, has become a concert of patriotic lovers of country, man, and music who have all come together to honor Kenneth Mead. I created a little flyer, it is attached, letting everyone know when and where the ceremony will be held. We welcome everyone who can attend.

Allan and the Veterans Funeral Care have extended a website where people can go to post and read sentiments and memories about Kenny. The website is:

On a personal note, my two grandfathers served in the Navy in WWII, active duty, and my Father-In-Law Anthony DiLorenzo was a Pearl Harbor Survivor (yes, right there as the bombs were being dropped all around him), Navy, who also saw active duty in WWII. You have not only honored Kenneth, but you have honored these precious family members of mine, and all of our priceless veterans. And you have made me very proud to be an American.

Those who can join us on Friday, I have a feeling this will be a very moving experience. -Joyce

(Please feel free to pass this around to anyone that you think would be interested or who would know Kenny.)

Joyce Fuller
Attorney at Law

1700 N Maitland Avenue
Maitland FL 32751

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