
Monday, May 2, 2011

Osama bin Laid by Seals and CIA!

Inside the raid that killed bin Laden

SEALs, working with CIA , stormed fortified compound deep inside Pakistan
By Matt Apuzzo - The Associated Press
Posted : Sunday May 1, 2011 23:37:59 EDT
WASHINGTON — Helicopters descended out of darkness on the most important counterterrorism mission in U.S. history. It was an operation so secret, only a select few U.S. officials knew what was about to happen.

The location was a fortified compound in an affluent Pakistani town two hours outside Islamabad. The target was Osama bin Laden.

Intelligence officials discovered the compound in August while monitoring an al-Qaida courier.

The CIA had been hunting that courier for years, ever since detainees told interrogators that the courier was so trusted by bin Laden that he might very well be living with the al-Qaida leader.

Nestled in an affluent neighborhood, the compound was surrounded by walls as high as 18 feet, topped with barbed wire. Two security gates guarded the only way in. A third-floor terrace was shielded by a seven-foot privacy wall. No phone lines or Internet cables ran to the property. The residents burned their garbage rather than put it out for collection. Intelligence officials believed the million-dollar compound was built five years ago to protect a major terrorist figure. The question was, who?

The CIA asked itself again and again who might be living behind those walls. Each time, they concluded it was almost certainly bin Laden.
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Jubilation across the U.S.
Soldiers from Lewis-McChord celebrate the news
Troops react to bin Laden’s death
By Colin Kelly - Staff writer
Posted : Monday May 2, 2011 0:48:33 EDT
BAGRAM AIR BASE, Afghanistan — The mood on a U.S. base in the war zone was celebratory early Monday.

For one soldier, in his first day in the theater, it was a historic day.

Army Maj. Erik S. Archer said he heard the news from the soldier who he’s replacing.

“My guy that I’m RIPing in with knocked on my door said, ‘Hey, you gotta come see this, the president is announcing that they got bin Laden,’ and I didn’t believe him at first,” Archer said.

“This is my fourth time overseas, and I went and saw the president and … it was just goose bumps to see all the people outside the White House clapping and cheering. It’s a national moment, I think.”

Troops watching the announcement were mesmerized, Archer said.
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New Yorkers React To Osama Bin Laden Death (PHOTOS, VIDEO)
New Yorkers are responding to the news that Osama bin Laden is dead.

Shortly after the announcement from President Obama, New Yorkers in Times Square and Ground Zero flooded the streets to celebrate the news that the man behind the attacks of September 11th was killed by American forces.

Mayor Michael Bloomberg released a statement on the news, saying that “New Yorkers have waited nearly ten years for this news. It is my hope that it will bring some closure and comfort to all those who lost loved ones on September 11, 2001.”

New York Police Commissioner Ray Kelly greeted the news as a "welcome milestone" for the victims of those horrific attacks, and for those "who remain tenaciously engaged in protecting New York from another attack."

Senator Charles Schumer said that the death of bin Laden is a "thunderous strike for justice for the thousands of my fellow New Yorkers -- and citizens from all over the world -- who were murdered on 9/11."

HuffPost's Rob Fishman was downtown near ground zero Sunday, and filed this report:
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New Yorkers React To Osama Bin Laden Death

Buried at sea
Clinton: Bin Laden death shows 'You cannot defeat us'
By the CNN Wire Staff
May 2, 2011 10:20 a.m. EDT
NEW: Terrorists will almost certainly attempt to avenge the death, Panetta says
DNA matching is under way, a U.S. official says
Intelligence work on a courier for bin Laden led to a key break
Hundreds celebrate in front of the White House and in New York

(CNN) -- The successful U.S. operation that killed Osama bin Laden sends a message to the Taliban in Afghanistan, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Monday.

"You cannot wait us out. You cannot defeat us. But you can make the choice to abandon al Qaeda" and participate in a peaceful political process, Clinton said.

"There is no better rebuke to al Qaeda and its heinous ideology," she said. "The fight continues and we will never waver."

Some doubted that the terrorist leader would ever be caught, she said, but "this is America... We persevere, and we get the job done."

Clinton also noted that bin Laden's death comes at a time of "great movements toward freedom and democracy."

The operation that killed the founder and leader of al Qaeda was designed to do just that, not to take him alive, a U.S. government official told CNN Monday.

DNA matching is under way on samples from his body, the official said. There are photographs of the body with a gunshot wound to the side of the head that shows an individual who is not unrecognizable as bin Laden, the official said.

No decision has yet been made on whether to release the photographs and if so, when and how.
The mastermind of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks -- the worst terrorist attacks on American soil -- was killed by U.S. forces Monday in a mansion in Abbottabad, about 50 kilometers (30 miles) north of the Pakistani capital, Islamabad, U.S. officials said.

Four others in the compound also were killed. One of them was bin Laden's adult son, and another was a woman being used as a shield by a male combatant, the officials said.

Bin Laden's body was later buried at sea, an official said. Many Muslims adhere to the belief that bodies should be buried within one day.
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Bin Laden death shows 'You cannot defeat us'

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