
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Vietnam veterans get an official welcome day

Vietnam veterans get an official welcome day
7:15 AM, Mar. 29, 2011
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When Franck Kaiser came home from the Vietnam War, a clerk fired obscenities at him instead of giving him change for $20 so he could call his family and let them know he was home safely.

Kaiser had arrived on a charter flight to Travis Air Force Base and was bused to San Francisco International Airport, where he would take another flight to get to Fort Hood, Texas, after being awarded three Purple Hearts for injuries suffered during a year at war.

Many Vietnam veterans encountered the same kind of hostility and indifference when they returned home to a nation deeply divided politically over the war.

On Wednesday, 36 years after the last Marines and others withdrew from Saigon, the nation will recognize "Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day," thanks to a resolution unanimously passed by the U.S. Senate.

It's not a national holiday, and some local veterans were caught unaware of the resolution in which the senators encourage Americans to recognize the sacrifices of Vietnam veterans.

"We weren't welcomed very well, so it's good that the Senate chose to recognize our homecoming," said Kaiser, 66, executive vice president and chief executive officer of the Home Builders and Contractors Association of Brevard. "I think its great."
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Vietnam veterans get an official welcome day


  1. In 2010 & 2011 the R.I. Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association shamed Vietnam veterans by refusing membership to a 100% qualified Nam vet and terminating those who asked the R.I. CVMA state rep why. The National CVMA BOD backed this disrespectful act toward these Nam vets.

    Some things have not changed for the Nam vet and the R.I. CVMA and its National BOD proved it with their shameful actions.

    This is what the R.I. CVMA and the CVMA National BOB calls veterans helping veterans?

  2. According to the CVMA website, you don't even have to be a veteran to join. I suggest you contact the head office to find out what is going on.

    Welcome to the CVMA Website.
    We are an Association of Combat Veterans from all branches of the United States Armed Forces who ride motorcycles as a hobby. Our mission now is to support and defend those who have defended our country and our freedoms. Our focus is to help veteran care facilities provide a warm meal, clothing, shelter, and guidance, or simply to say "Thank You." and "Welcome Home."
    Our membership is comprised of Full Members ( those with verified combat service ) and Supporter Members ( those who have non-combat military service, and have a sincere dedication to helping veterans ). We have members from nearly all 50 states and living abroad. Many members continue to serve in our Armed Forces, with several serving in combat areas now.

    We sponsor and/or participate in many motorcycle-related charity events each year, and as a non-profit organization, donate to various veteran care facilities and veteran charities.


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