
Monday, March 21, 2011

Two Tour Iraq Marine Veteran foreclosed on needs your help

Our hearts break every time we read about a homeless veteran. If you are like me, you always wonder how to help or what can be done to prevent them from becoming homeless. Well, here's a way to prevent one of them from becoming homeless. You can donate to save his apartment after the mortgage company kicked him out of his home.

If there are any lawyers you know about, pass this onto them so maybe he can get some help legally to get his house back.

A Voice of the Veterans

Sunday, March 20, 2011

All Hands on Deck

Veterans-For-Change is in need your help today to help another Veteran who came to us a week ago asking for help.

Marine GySgt. Don Rubin served two tours of duty in Iraq and was honorably discharged from the Marine Corps in September 2010 was one of the victims of the illegal mortgage banking foreclosures completely against the moratorium issued, lost his home he’d scrimped and saved to buy.

Don had maxed out all of his credit to save his home before the battle was lost, then creditor lawsuits started piling up on him and everything backfired on him.

Three weeks ago most of the creditors had gotten court orders to garnish his bank accounts leaving him with nothing and the next check coming in won’t be till sometime between the 1st & 3rd of the month.

Don has been living in a studio apartment since November and has been served an eviction notice.

After verification of Veteran Status, court garnishments, etc. we spoke with Don’s landlord and have negotiated for 3 additional days to allow our readers and members a chance to assist this Veteran.

Thankfully his studio apartment rent is relatively low so I come to you to ask your help to raise the $300 rent money needed and help keep this Veteran from losing his apartment.

As you know I’m sure we already have well over 140,000 homeless Veterans, with your help we can prevent one more from being in the same position.

We need to try and raise the $300 to help this Veteran as quickly as possible.

If you’re able to make a tax deductible donation of $25, $50, $100 or more, please click HERE to be taken direct to the PayPal site or copy and paste the link below!


Thank you in advance for your kind consideration.

1 comment:

  1. I run a non-profit and would like to help out. Please contact me with your info so we can help, thanks.


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