
Monday, March 7, 2011

Conspiracy Test Gulf War Illness

The Military Channel had a program on Gulf War Syndrome tonight.

Depleted Uranium and the lack of connection made between the military and the veterans was the first part of the program. Just when I thought they were going to admit what was done to our veterans of the Gulf War, they dragged in someone saying the media was behind it. If someone said the veterans are sick because of Gulf War Syndrome, then they would all say they were.

Mar 07, 9:00 pm

(60 minutes) Conspiracy Test
Gulf War Illness

Conspiracy Test will run its own independent experiment on DU testing with blood samples obtained from up to five veterans of the first Gulf War and some more recent Iraq War vets.

Five veterans were tested for depleted uranium and sarin gas. Blood test checked the DNA of these veterans. 22 matched pairs of chromosome along with the sex codes were checked. Chromosomes were damaged and had breakage. Three of the veterans allowed their cases to be talked about. Pieces of their chromosomes attached to other ones. Like cancer patients and children with birth defects, this damage is out of the ordinary. Radiation exposure is one of the factors with the breakage. Two of the veterans that did not want their cases relased had more damage done. Alpha radiation is usually the cause of this kind of damage.

How can they fake chromosome damage? They ruled out sarin gas in these cases, so what else will they use to explain it away. Their health problems will not go away and they have not been able to cure it, but they have been able to make it better. They were twice as likely to be sick than others that did not deploy.

The program pointed out they needed to do wide spread testing in more veterans. The role the government plays in all of this is they need to release everything they know so that this is not repeated ever again.

The fact remains that after all these years, Gulf War veterans will probably be dying to find out what is wrong with them before they end up being treated or compensated for it. Much like the Vietnam Veterans waited 40 years for answers, they will die off before they see real justice or answers.

You can also check out what PBS has on this here

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