
Saturday, March 12, 2011

17 Marines attempted suicide so far this year, CNN, FOX and MSNBC don't care

The headline reads that two Marines committed suicide in February but it is the 17 unsuccessful attempts that should concern us more. 17 attempts in two months from the Marine Corp alone is a very troubling sign considering all the claims of steps being taken to prevent suicides.

MILITARY: Two Marine suicides in February

Two active-duty Marines killed themselves in February, raising to four the number who have committed suicide in 2011.

Another 17 Marines attempted suicide, according to the latest figures from the headquarters of the Marine Corps.
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Two Marine suicides in February

Why does it ever have to get so bad for them that after they survive they lose the will to live? Why aren't all of these programs the military has working after millions being spent? When will there be a program that really works?

When will the 24/7 cable news spend time on this instead of covering every else? While the tsunami hitting Japan is horrible and deserves being reported on, we'll see coverage for a week instead of spending any time covering other news stories. Other news stories from around the world take up all the "news time" with reporters filling air time from Libya but no reporting being done on our troops in Afghanistan or Iraq any more than they are reporting on what happens to them when they come home. Is there anyone in control of these media giants thinking it is their responsibility to inform the public about what is happening to the men and women we send into combat? Do they give a damn about them at all? I wonder if their advertisers care. Maybe we shouldn't care about their products until they demand their money be spent on at least covering what is happening to our veterans.

Do we see reports on CNN, MSNBC or FOX about National Guardsman being foreclosed on while they are deployed? Do we see reports on military families having to go on food stamps? Do we see reports from families after someone they love committed suicide after surviving combat in our name? We don't any more than we see reports from Walter Reed.

The lead up to sending troops was all over the news when they went to Afghanistan and then to Iraq. The invasions were covered but then the reporters went away. We committed young men and women to begin risking their lives going back to 2001 and while they are still risking their lives, the American public doesn't have a clue about any of it.

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