
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Palin's map of targets

This is what the "blame Palin" came from.

"Time to take a stand" with crosshairs? With targets? Maybe she should have used a boot instead and then no one would have put two and two together?
This is from FOX
House of Representatives
Palin Criticizes Manufacturers of 'Blood Libel' as Proponents of Speech Limits Cite Sharron Angle
Published January 12, 2011

FILE: In this Oct. 30, 2010, photo, Sarah Palin campaigns in Wheeling, W.Va., for ultimately unsuccessful U.S. Senate candidate John Raese, a Republican Tea Party-backed candidate.
Sarah Palin made a call to conscious Wednesday for those who would manufacture "a blood libel" for last weekend's Arizona shooting, saying "acts of monstrous brutality ... begin and end with the criminals who commit them, not collectively" with Americans exercising their constitutional freedoms.
The former Republican vice-presidential candidate, the target of many pontificators ascribing motive to gunman Jared Lee Loughner, charged in the Tucson attack that killed six and injured 14 others, had been silent since shortly after the Saturday shooting when she issued a two-line statement offering her prayers for the families and victims.
But Palin's name -- and those of others, including Republican Senate candidate Sharron Angle -- had been central in the early accusations over what spurred the shooting. Liberal media pundits assigned blame by citing Palin's political action committee's website, which showed crosshairs on districts that it was targeting in the November midterm, including the district of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, the believed target of the gunman who was wounded in the shooting.
Others said Angle's comments on the campaign trail also incited violence. The debate about heated political rhetoric ratcheted up so quickly and vigorously -- even before Loughner had been identified as the alleged shooter -- some Democratic lawmakers called for curbs on free speech.
In a Facebook posting issued Wednesday morning, Palin lamented the "irresponsible statements" of those casting blame on political figures.

Read more: Palin Criticizes Manufacturers of Blood Libel
It seems there are a lot of "irresponsible statements" and Palin was behind a lot of them. Love her, hate her, but whatever you do, she seems to feel as if she is supposed to be responsible for nothing she says or does. If you point out what words came out of her own mouth, it is the "liberal" media's fault and they are attacking her. The "liberal" media made her a celebrity, gave her voice many ears but they did not put up a map with a bunch of targets. They did not make up the words she used and took great pride in saying like "reload" any more than they put any other words in her mouth. Now she wants to deflect any responsibility she may have in all of this?

The really bad thing in all of this is that she wants to be the center of attention instead of the people killed and wounded. If she had a brave bone in her body, really believed in what she says, then she wouldn't have taken down the map with the targets all over it or at least admit it was wrong to do it and that's why she took it down. She just wants to blame everyone else for the connection being made between her and the shooter.

We have no idea yet what connection there is or is not but Palin must have made the connection herself just as Giffords mentioned it before she was shot for wanting to be able to meet some of the people she wanted to serve in Congress.

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