
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Will voters let John Boehner and the GOP kill off veterans?

John Boehner had his chance for years when our troops were coming back from Iraq and Afghanistan but he lead the attack against them. The GI Bill, raises for the troops, cost of living raises for disabled veterans along with the elderly, PTSD research and help with getting claims approved, were all efforts the GOP under Boehner fought against. It took the Democrats to do it!

Why didn't Boehner? Why didn't the GOP who keep saying they are pro-military but never seem to let that translate into taking care of the men and women serving equal to the defense contractors they do in fact adore?

Boehner wants you to hate the Democrats but they are the ones who fought for you to increase funding and make all the changes in the VA that you deserved. They have a long way to go but considering it was the GOP ignoring the problems you face, then getting in the way of getting you what you need, letting them take back control is the worst thing that can happen to you.

Why? Because people have a habit of blind support or hatred. I talk to veterans all the time and often I ask them why they support Republicans. I use John McCain as an example of it all the time. They use "he's a veteran" or "he was a POW" but none of them ever checked his voting record. People have a habit of being lazy when it comes to knowing who they are voting for and what they are voting against. It really is a shame the very people who proved where their hearts are by taking care of veterans can end up out of jobs because someone just assumed wrong.

Before you vote today, look up their record and know who has been fighting for you and who has been trying to get in the way. By the way, the Democrats did another bill this year to raise your cost of living but the GOP are blocking it again with a filibuster just like they did last year but you assumed the Democrats didn't do one. You are already paying for votes for the wrong people like Boehner. Has that man ever pushed a bill for your sake? Has he ever really showed he cared more about you than he does about defeating Democrats?

Who voted against veterans again

Santorum votes against broad protections for veterans and reservists in bankruptcy bill
 (great info on this site)

The Senate rejected the stronger of two approaches for softening the impact of new bankruptcy rules (S 256) on military personnel, surviving spouses and some destitute veterans. Sponsored by Democrats, the measure sought to exempt military families from the bill's new means test on bankruptcy filers. It proposed a $75,000 minimum exemption for homes in bankruptcy courts in the 50 states. Also, the amendment sought to deny predatory "payday" lenders any claim on assets and to exempt debt incurred after military service begins from the reach of creditors during bankruptcy. A yes vote backed the Democratic amendment.
For: 38 / Against: 58 [Santorum voted against Democratic amendment]

The Senate approved the milder of two pending measures for easing the impact of S 256 (above) on bankrupt military families and destitute veterans with high medical costs. Republicans said their approach would protect people incapable of repaying debt because of military service or poor health. They noted that federal law already shields active-duty personnel from most civil actions regarding their finances. A yes vote backed the GOP plan.
For: 63 / Against: 32 [Santorum voted for GOP plan]
Washington Post, Mar 6, 2005 [vote Mar 2, 2005]

GOP against the GI Bill

Graham claimed today, “If we just leave the generals alone and support the troops, they will win this war.” But the nation’s most respected veterans organizations are joining average veterans to clamor for this bill. Just yesterday, the national commander of the Veterans of Foreign Wars joined the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America and the American Legion in support of the bill.

As Webb said last Sunday, “The Republican party is on the block here, to clearly demonstrate that they value military service or suffer the consequences of losing the support of people who’ve served.” Citing Orwellian “support” for the troops, Graham appears willing to sell them out for partisan gain.

Update Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), who frequently touts his devotion to his fellow veterans, skipped the vote today to hold a swanky fundraiser in California. By contrast, both Sens. Barack Obama (D-IL) and Hillary Clinton (D-NY) spoke on the floor in favor of the bill before voting for it.

Update Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK), who withdrew his name from the list of co-sponsors for the Webb bill in April, ended up voting in favor of it today.

Update Nine out of the 15 Republican senators facing reelection in November voted for the bill
read more of this here
Against Homeless veterans
Republicans Object To Bill For Homeless Veterans (VIDEO)
Arthur Delaney Huffington Post

Jun 29, 2010 ... You can't be a member of the Party of Corporate Welfare, unless you vote against veterans' issues bills

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