
Thursday, November 25, 2010

Making our war fighters expendable when they are gay

I've read a lot of twisted opinions on gays in the military but this one blows my mind. When they are discharged for being gay, that in itself sends the message they are expendable.


1. (of an object) Designed to be used only once and then abandoned or destroyed.
2. Of little significance when compared to an overall purpose, and therefore able to be abandoned.
Other nations seem to be able to understand that gay people should not be treated any differently than anyone else but in this nation of supposedly equal rights for all, the government is telling gay people they are not included in the deal. Being gay is not a choice but they do use their freewill right to choose to serve in the military, risk their lives and yes, even willing to die for the sake of someone else. There was a time when the color of a man's skin prevented them from serving in the military. Women had to dress up like men in order to serve and hide their gender. Double standards still live on.

The debate itself tells the other nations we depend on that their soldiers are not up to our standards when they allow gay people to serve without any problem at all.
While the U.S. adheres to a "don't ask, don't tell" policy toward gays in the military, its staunchest ally across the Atlantic is nine years removed from dramatically changing its own stance toward gay and lesbian service members – allowing completely open military service without fear of reprisal. And nearly a decade after the policy shift, the U.K.'s Independent reports the British military and its members have grown pretty comfortable in their own skin.

Openly gay service was allowed in 2000 after a two-year court battle involving four service members that was eventually settled by the European Court of Human Rights. Since then, the report details a steady progression toward fuller openness – from initial reluctance on the part of gay service members to "out" themselves, despite the rule change, to eventually marching in Gay Pride parades and moving into military housing with their partners.
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We are supposed to be a nation of equality and generation after generation has had to fight for that to happen. When it comes to the military, they should never have to fight to be seen as equal to everyone else putting their lives on the line for what this country claims to be in the first place.

HORVAT: Making our war fighters expendable
Homosexual experimentation jeopardizes lives and honor
By John Horvat II -The Washington Times4:22 p.m., Wednesday, November 24, 2010

How much is the life of an American soldier worth? When does a soldier become expendable? Those are the questions we need to ask in the coming days as the government considers repeal of the military's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy regarding homosexuals in uniform.

A wounded soldier in Afghanistan will find himself airlifted halfway around the world for treatment within hours. In this, we see the admirable care and great value given to American lives. Such solicitude on the battleground is not shown off the battlefield, however. It seems there are times when the American solider becomes expendable. This is particularly the case in the raging debate over "Don't Ask, Don't Tell." Everything is centered on a Dec. 1 report the military will release analyzing the impact of its repeal on the armed forces.

The liberally sensitive results of this "analysis" are so predictable it's almost senseless to go through the trouble to release it. Everything that has leaked out about the process indicates the report will discuss how to repeal - not whether to repeal - the ban on homosexuality in the military. It will conclude that inclusion of open homosexuals in the military will not have significant adverse effects. It will conclude that the soldier is expendable. He can be used for social experiments. He can be penalized for the religious values he holds. He can be deprived of the freedom for which he fights.
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Making our war fighters expendable

A gay serviceman/woman, will find themselves being airlifted halfway around the world surrounded by soldiers from other nations where they would be welcomed only to be returned to their own country where they are a topic of debate because some use a religious belief they have to stand in judgment over something Christ never talked about in this same nation where all are supposed to be able to worship according to their own beliefs. They will quote from Acts and what Paul wrote but never consider the fact this is the same man so sure of what he was doing, he hunted down Christians wanting them to die before Christ opened his eyes. He got that wrong and he got a lot wrong after. But we're not supposed to be about a nation of one church, one belief or one set of rules for some with another for a different group. We're supposed to be a nation of equal rights for all.

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