
Thursday, November 4, 2010

Ed Shultz you're smarter than this

Listening to Ed Shultz is driving me crazy right now because this man is very smart but he sounds so simple over the election and rage against President Obama because he wants to work like a President should, remembering he was elected to be the President of everyone in this country and not just the people who voted for him.

Ed seems to have not understood that when Bush was President, he could be a bully for one simple reason. He had the backing of every Republican in office and that trickled down to the Republican voters, supporting Bush no matter what he did or did not do. They lost their jobs, saw the stock market crash, but above all, watched as veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan came home to a VA that was not ready to take care of any of them or the older veterans still waiting for what we owed them. John McCain got a lot of support from them even if it was blind support because veterans just assumed he cared about them instead of voting against them. How did this happen? They stand together no matter what. The Democrats do not do that. Aside from having to acknowledge that Obama is no coward, or he wouldn't have run for office in the first place, you have to admit that he does not have the bully attitude and probably never will.

The problem with this election was not his fault, but as Al Sharpton said yesterday on Sultz's radio show, it was up to the Democrats in congress to come out swinging and they didn't.

When the GOP blocked bills stopping them from even being put to a vote, they didn't do what the GOP did before, taking to the cable news cameras whining about wanting "an up or down vote" and saying how unfair the Democrats were while threatening to go "nuclear" on them. No, instead the Democrats took the high road and let them get away with blocking every bill the House managed to get passed when they showed up in the Senate's hands.

When the GOP governors decided to not use the stimulus money, they not only allowed their own people to suffer in their state, they had ammo to use against Obama and the Democrats because the people saw all the money in the stimulus but not much change in their state. In other words, the Democrats got blamed even though it was the GOP looking to let the President fail. Had the Democrats come out swinging and letting the voters know they were suffering because the governors let their power grab matter more than the state of their lives, things would have been much different, not just with the election but with the American people having a better life.

It happened here in Florida. Most of the money wasn't spent but we're still out of jobs. Not many people here knew that even though the Orlando Sentinel reported on this saying they didn't know how to spend that much money. Well this happened in a lot of other states and what happened was, the GOP won. That was all that mattered to them but the voters didn't know it.

When the ads against Kosmos and Grayson and Sink showed up, Sink was blamed for what the stock market did and people believed it was her fault. For Grayson and Kosmos, they were blamed for cutting Medicare, even though it was all about cuts to waste, fraud and abuse, no one lost benefits, the elderly down here believed the ad and they all lost.

Where were the Democrats in office during all of this as things like this happened across the country? Where were they when the GOP were always on cable news saying whatever they wanted to and getting away with it? Silent.

My thing is and always will be veterans and there has been so much accomplished under the Democrats that I was filled with hope but if you talk to the average Republican voter, they had no clue how much was done just as they had no clue how much was wrong before.

The problem is not what the Democrats did or tried to do, it was the fact they were not standing up to talkers. They were nailed on health insurance reform, but instead of pointing out that many people would be able to see a doctor without going broke, college kids could stay on their parents plan and insurance companies couldn't cut off sick people, they avoided talking about it.

The GOP have it in their plans for the future to hand over the VA and Social Security to private companies along with getting rid of Medicare. It's something they are not ashamed to talk about. They should be but the Democrats are not calling them out on this. They are not calling them out on saying they will cut the deficit when they did noting but add to it when they had absolute power. They let them say they will create jobs but won't call them out on the fact that under them we were losing hundreds of thousands of jobs a month.

The other issue is, when people want to play nice with others, they tend to think they should just let the truth find a way to overcome lies. The Founding Fathers decided to fight for what was right and went to war. Lincoln decided to fight for what was right and went to war instead of giving up on his view that "all men are created equal" and should live that way in this country. Doing what is right needs to matter enough to fight for it, to defend it and to expose the lies in order to get there. The Democrats have to make some kind of united fight and be proud of what they have accomplished for the sake of the people in this country. They acted as if they were ashamed instead. If Shultz wants to blame Obama for wanting to be a President while the rest of the Democrats ran away from what he said he wanted to do, was elected to do and tried to do, then the Democrats deserved to lose. The problem is, what we're heading into because of this election is something the voters didn't deserve but I guess we just weren't worth fighting for when it came to telling us what was really going on by being on every single cable news show the way the Republicans did.

I guess I don't need to explain why I became a registered Independent again.  Tired of power mattering more than us, which the GOP said proudly they're number one job was defeating Obama and the Democrats let them just get away with it.

The GOP know how to fight for themselves but it would be nice if the Democrats learned how to fight for the rest of us.  When our elected get to say what they want, when they want and no one calls them on it, we as a nation fail.  The media won't do it either so we are stuck for the next two years to suffer even more, listen to 24-7 political talk on cable news for the next two years heading into the election all over again.  So who is working for us instead of working for our votes? Any clues?

By the way, when the Democrats took control of Congress in 2007 after beating so many Republicans, did the GOP turn around and understand elections have consequences? No, they just started to hold up bills and the ones they couldn't hold up, they voted against simply because they had one agenda and that was winning again. When Obama was elected and the American people spoke with their votes, did the Republicans listen? Did they act as if they cared about the results of the election at all? No they didn't. They are right when they say the American people feel they are not being listened to, but they took out their anger on the wrong people because no one was telling them anything they needed to know. They were too busy puffing up Sarah Palin and making her a star.

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