
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

University of Tennessee Doctoral student researching PTSD

My name is Philip Held and I am a doctoral student at the University of Tennessee. I am currently conducting research on mental health stigma in themilitary and am contacting you to ask for your help with this project.

Specifically, I am hoping you would be willing to help by forwarding theresearch announcement below to the members of your Yahoo Group.Participation will remain completely anonymous and no IPs or otherpotentially identifying information will be recorded. Specific eligibilityrequirements and further information about the study are listed in theofficial research announcement below.The following link verifies my student status at the University of Tennessee:
Please let me know if you have any questions.Thank you in advance for your help with this project.

Philip Held
Research Announcement
A research study examining mental health stigma in the military is beingconducted by Philip Held, BA, a doctoral student at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville. The online survey is hosted by and assesses mental health symptoms such as posttraumatic stress disorder, perceptions of mental healthstigma, stigmatized identities, attitudes toward mental health treatment,unit leadership, unit cohesion, and social support. If you are an activeduty member of the U.S. Military or have served in the military (and arecurrently a civilian or retiree), are at least 18 years old, and either currently or previously have had mental health concerns (e.g., feeling sador depressed a lot of the time, feeling anxious, trouble sleeping, easily provoked, drinking to numb emotional pain, etc.) you are eligible toparticipate. An official mental health diagnosis is not a requirement foryour participation.The survey is anonymous and takes approximately 20-30 minutes to complete.

Your participation will remain anonymous.If you would like to participate in this research study, please type thefollowing hypertext link into your browser:Survey Monkey

This will take you to the consent form and questionnaire. This research announcement was sent to a variety of online military groups, such as Yahoogroups. You were not specifically targeted for the present study. This research protocol has been reviewed and approved by the Institutional Review Board for protection of human subjects at the University of Tennessee.

Please feel free to forward this announcement to friends/colleagues you knowwho may wish to participate. Thank you in advance for your help with this project!
Your participation may help decrease mental health stigma in themilitary.
Philip Held, BA, Doctoral Student Department of Psychology
University of Tennessee
Phone: 865-974-2204

Gina P. Owens, PhD, Faculty Advisor
Department of Psychology
University of Tennessee

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