
Monday, September 6, 2010

General Petraeus says troops will be at greater risk if Florida church burns Qurans

Petraeus Condemns U.S. Church's Plan to Burn Qurans

KABUL—The top U.S. commander in Afghanistan said the planned burning of Qurans on Sept. 11 by a Florida church could put the lives of American troops in danger and damage the war effort.

Gen. David Petraeus said the Taliban would exploit the demonstration for propaganda purposes, drumming up anger toward the U.S. and making it harder for allied troops to carry out their mission of protecting Afghan civilians.

"It could endanger troops and it could endanger the overall effort," Gen. Petraeus said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal. "It is precisely the kind of action the Taliban uses and could cause significant problems. Not just here, but everywhere in the world we are engaged with the Islamic community."
go here for more
Petraeus Condemns U.S. Church Plan to Burn Qurans


  1. The US Military needs a General. Don't be the chaplain.

  2. Clarence, I'm not sure what you mean by this. If you do not see how this can enflame the Muslims in Afghanistan as well as Iraq, putting our troops in greater danger, then you are not looking at the big picture. Radical Muslims still believe that the invasion and occupation of both nations were about killing off Muslims and taking their lands. It was not until the troops trained the Iraqi people that things began to calm down there. They knew it was not about taking over Iraq but turning it over to them. The same thing is happening in Afghanistan finally and as more Afghans are trained to take over, the closer the troops are to leaving.

    General Petraeus is not trying to preach to anyone but he is being realistic on what something like this can do.

  3. This is one of the DUMBEST things I have ever heard of. This is America, we don't burn books here. You want to burn books, go to another country, you are not welcome here.

  4. I agree Heather. This is a tiny church and they are causing so much trouble over this that it is already fueling outrage across the world. They are just like Westboro Baptist "Church" protesting at the funerals for the fallen servicemen and women. So much hatred from two "Christian" churches acting very un-Christ like.

    This is a nation formed for religious freedom and that is a good thing but people like this are then allowed to say and do whatever they want, no matter who gets hurt, or in this case killed (our troops) and still be protected.


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