
Friday, September 24, 2010

Buck denies that he wants to privatize veteran’s health care

Too bad for Buck that the GOP "plan" for this country should they take over again has this "plan" in what they want to do. Along with turning over Social Security to Wall Street and cutting Medicare, this is what they want to do to our veterans. Do they know what this will do to them? Do they know what message they are delivering to our veterans when they say this is their plan? Do they know what harm it does to even talk about cutting the VA budget off their backs? Social Security hits the elderly but it also hits disabled veterans. Medicare hits the elderly but it also hits disabled veterans because a well kept secret is the fact that veterans using the VA have to have other insurance to cover anything not connected to their disability. Most of them have Medicare or Medicaid to supplement coverage from the VA.

This "plan" should mean three strikes and they are out! All the advances have happened since 2007 when Democrats took over the Chairmanship of the Committees in the House and Senate. The problems veterans faced just got worse while the GOP heads ignored all of it. Now they want control again? Look what they've done to stop bills from being voted on and tying them up while veterans suffer waiting. Look at how they voted against veterans every chance they had. The GI Bill, they didn't want that because it was "too generous" for the troops. They didn't want to give them pay raises. This shows they are against the servicemen and women but favor the defense contractors just like turning over the VA to companies would favor the companies and harm the veterans.

Veterans’ health care debate goes on
Buck denies that he wants to privatize veteran’s health care
Gene Davis, DDN Staff Writer
Friday, September 24, 2010

Democrat Michael Bennet’s campaign yesterday continued to hammer Republican gubernatorial rival Ken Buck for saying he believes that the private sector is better suited than the government to run a veterans administration’s hospital.

Buck’s campaign fired back, however, saying that Bennet’s campaign is trying to mislead the media and voters with a video clip that doesn’t tell the whole story.

Bennet’s campaign held a press conference with Democrat lawmakers and veterans to blast Buck for the “troubling” comment he made at a Tea Party event earlier this year. The comment Ń in which Buck said, “Would a veteran’s administration hospital that is run by the private sector be better run then by the public sector? In my view, yes;” Ń came in a small clip circulated by the Bennet campaign.

Despite having some issues along the way, veterans are continually more satisfied with their government-run health care compared to people with private health providers, according to the American Customer Satisfaction index. Artie Guerrero, a veteran who was wounded in Vietnam, said at Bennet’s press conference yesterday that the government should continue to provide health care for veterans.

“To turn it over to bureaucrats and the bureaucracy that have absolutely no knowledge of military process or the VA process would be totally wrong,” he said.
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Veterans health care debate goes on

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