
Sunday, September 26, 2010

Back from trip

The Power Of Point Man Ministries
Chaplain Kathie

I am sure you noticed that since Friday there have not been new posts, highly unusual for more and the last time I didn't post a lot of you emailed because you were concerned. Judging from the emails I have to read, that has happened again and I didn't want any of you to worry needlessly. I just got back home from Buffalo. I was invited to speak at the Point Man Ministries Conference and that's why I haven't posted. I thought I'd have some time to catch up but the whole weekend was way too busy. I promise that I will answer the emails as soon as I can but right now, there is something pressing me to write instead of unpack.

For years now most of the post I do are centered around the problems and the heartaches most of us share or at least know someone who is suffering. To tell you the truth, it gets very depressing to track all of this and that is exactly where I was when I got on the plane to Buffalo on Friday.

My heart was heavy. Too many bad stories to read and post with too few glimpses of God's hand at work (or us working for Him) and hope was hard to find. Between heaven and hell there is "us" just trying to do the best we can with what we've been given. The barrier to hell seemed to be getting pretty thin lately.

That all changed when I arrived at the church Dana Morgan and his wife Susan built. My Father's House is a perfect name for this place where love lives on. From the moment I walked in I was welcomed like a part of this family. I didn't feel like a stranger to anyone. I had not met Dana before he picked me up from the airport. We just emailed and talked a few times on the phone. I was as if we've known each other for ever. Dana is the President of Point Man Ministries on top of everything else he does.

Once a year they have a conference to share what's going on as well as offer fellowship to Point Man members around the country. Each speaker (more on them later) told heartbreaking stories but followed them up with God's hand at work through them. Things, wondrous things, are happening across the country and this is all good.

People can look at life as if what they want, what they need is all that matters. When it is pointed out to them a lot of people have it worse, they tend to only think of the people who have it better. I know what you're thinking but be honest and admit you do it too. There's a problem in thinking like that but not for the reason you may think.

It's not jealousy that causes harm but forgetfulness that does the harm. It is when we forget that it feels pretty lousy to be in need and feel alone on top of everything else. When no one wants to help, this world can be pretty cold. Yet when we think of the people who have less than we do, are in more need, are feeling deeper pain, that is when miracles can happen. We reach back to them and say "come with me and I'll help you this far." Isn't that what we all pray for, search for, hope for? Isn't that all we need to make us feel better about this life we have for ourselves? Isn't that what Christ told His followers they needed to do? Life is not just about sharing the joys with others but it is also sharing the burdens so the load is a bit lighter.

I'll post some more tomorrow on this but I wanted to let you all know I'm fine. Just really tired. Tomorrow I have a full day of classes but I will get back to all of your emails as soon as possible. I also did some taping while I was there so should have a video on this soon.

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