
Thursday, September 9, 2010

Another Iraq veteran needs your urgent help

We do an awful lot of reading on this blog and if you are like me, most of the time you wonder what you can do above and beyond caring and praying.

Mark 12:42-44 (New King James Version)
42 Then one poor widow came and threw in two mites,[a] which make a quadrans. 43 So He called His disciples to Himself and said to them, “Assuredly, I say to you that this poor widow has put in more than all those who have given to the treasury; 44 for they all put in out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty put in all that she had, her whole livelihood.”

If I try to help, it wouldn't do much good because all could give was $10.00. I can't pay my own bills and wish I could have done more, so that's what I'm doing right now. If I keep praying for help but do not try to help someone else, why should I expect God to send someone to help me? I have over a hundred subscribers so if each of you donated to help this veteran and his family, that's over $1,000.00. You may not think that's much but if all of you passed this on to people you know, it could add up very fast and get this veteran some help.

We can make a difference! We may think it is a small one but when all of us put in our own two cents, think of how much can be done togther!

Sent from Veterans for Change

September 8, 2010

Having served six years in the Army, and being honorably discharged as a 1st Lieutenant, Donald Skyler of Denison, Texas was activated and deployed to Iraq (2004-2005) to advise the new Iraqi Army.

As an Intelligence Advisor, SKyler worked with Iraqi personnel and Coalition Forces to assist the Iraqis to become more self-sufficient, which included conducting free elections to adopt a constitution and elect new leadership.

After he completed Combat Basic Training, Officer Candidate School, as well as his Officer Basic Course. While deployed to Iraq, Skyler led 88 combat patrols, where all the soldiers in his unit returned home safely. During his combat operations in Iraq, Skyler received the Combat Action Badge, as well as other military honors and awards.

Donald met and married Lisa Marie Warren in May 2006, and in February 2007 gave birth to their daughter Madison Olivia Skyler.

Lisa became ill in September 2009 with various illnesses being treated for each as they occurred and was finally referred to a specialist in January 2010 when she was finally diagnosed with Ovarian cancer: Often lethal, this cancer is hard to detect because it mimics those of other illnesses.

Lisa has now been diagnosed as stage 5 and is bed ridden with her husband, mother and father in-law and step mother all chipping in to care for her as she had wanted to be home.

As most who are care givers know, this can be mentally, emotionally and physically draining on family members with care and attendance 24/7.

Donald has come to Veterans-For-Change and requested our assistance, and after reviewing his application, verifying and confirming the actual need for home hospice assistance, we need to raise $485 which is 1/3 of the total cost of $1,455.00.

Americare has arrange with two of their prime donors to match dollar for dollar what we raise toward the much needed home hospice care of Lisa.

So I ask again for your help and if we have a few good people out there who are willing to donate $25-$50 each to help Donald, Lisa and Madison get through this very tough time in their life.

If you’re able to contribute $25-$50 to help this Veteran, who like many of you have fought for this great Country of ours please click HERE to be taken direct to the PayPal site which is very safe and secure.

Please help this hero get the help he needs, please donate now!

Thank you in advance for generous assistance.

Jim Davis

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