
Thursday, August 5, 2010

Is God pleased with you?

Papa Roy sent this today and I wanted to share it because this is one of the struggles I usually have. I always wonder if God is pleased with me.

When it seems as if you're always disappointing someone, it's hard to think you may not be disappointing God. How can you think otherwise if everyone is telling you what you're doing wrong, telling you that you need to do things you've already done that didn't work, or worse, when they just turn their back on you? If their turning their backs, it's not a far leap to think God has too.

People come into our lives and offer help, support, an ego boost or a caring ear, but then vanish. You wonder what you did to cause them to want to help you in the first place and then wonder what you did to get them to turn their back on you. Sometimes it seems no matter how hard we try, how much we care, it just never seems to be good enough for anyone. If you focus on pleasing other people sooner or later you run into someone you would have to sacrifice what you believe to please them. In the end, you please no one and make yourself miserable.

A Touch of Encouragement

Good morning, "experience more of His blessing."

Would you like God to be proud of your life?

Are you seeking to correspond your life with God's provisions for you? Are you, therefore, pleasing God? Are you interested in giving God pleasure? We cannot please everyone so we might as well please the Lord and let the chips fall where they may. Would you like God to be proud of your life? When your children make a good play in baseball we are proud: "That's my boy/girl!" On the other hand, when our children embarrass us by their behavior when we have company, we want to disown them or make out like they belong to our neighbors. God is not ashamed to call us "brothers" (Heb. 2:11). Are you walking in such a way as to warrant the smile of heaven? Are you living with a great amount of spiritual aberration? God is not happy with erratic spiritual walk. Everything we do reflects on God. (Warren Doud )

That you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God; strengthened with all might, according to His glorious power, for all patience and longsuffering with joy. (Colossians 1:10-11)

To know God means that you are always turned on about everything because you see God everywhere: in nature, in people you meet, in trials, hardships and challenges, everywhere. That is why people who know God are always exciting to be with. They lift your spirits when you meet them. Faces light up as they enter a room: They know God, and the excitement of that captivates and changes them. That is what Paul says will happen as we "grow in the knowledge of God" and put into practice these three goals in our lives. This is what Jesus means when he says to the woman at the well, "I will put in you a well of water, springing up unto eternal life." It is always there: that refreshing quality of knowing God. (Ray C. Stedman)

Strengthened with all might: As we walk worthy of the Lord, His strength is there to help us meet all of life's challenges, and to endure and overcome problems with circumstances (patience) and people (longsuffering) with joy.

Depending on His grace.

Papa Roy ><> ><> ><>

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