
Saturday, August 28, 2010

America needs to get act together now

Excuse me right now but I just poured a second glass of wine and shut down my PC. I'm on my laptop trying to get some air. I am really angry right now and it seems to just be building up after the news I read today. Glen Beck and Sarah Palin were in Washington today and according to reports they brought up how we need to "support the troops" and take care of our veterans. Strange because President Obama said the same thing in his weekly address to the nation. What is even more strange about all of this is there is a lot of talking going on that doesn't seem to worth very much.

First, Obama has done a lot to fix some of the messes our troops and veterans have had to deal with for a very long time but people against him politically don't seem to think any of this is worth mentioning. The same people doing a lot of talking today have kept their mouths shut and their ears off all these years but now they want everyone to think they really give a shit about what happens to any of them? I am going to be very blunt because you have one pissed off tipsy chaplain here.

These self-proclaimed "troops supports" always seen to end up hating veterans as if they go into the military with the thought of sucking off the system for the rest of their lives.

Sure, a kid out of high school thinks of joining the military so they can learn how to shoot, fire other weapons, travel, risk their lives, watching buddies die and get blown up at the same time killing other humans so that they can then come back home with the intention of screwing up their families lives, ending their marriages, messing up their kids so they can end up homeless, living in shelters and on the streets drinking themselves to death. Right. After all, that year of deployment, staying alive and worry about their buddies going home in boxes meant they should deserve time off on a park bench somewhere tossing a few down with some other homeless veterans living the good life in pouring rain, freezing snow and endless days without any food in their belly at all.

Well some in this country think that they are criminals wanting to file false claims so that they never have to work again. Even if that were true, would you have wanted to swap jobs with them for the time they did serve in some God forsaken hell they were sent into? If you have the nerve to say yes then why didn't you go? If you said yes and you did end up going then you better get the notion that you are better than any of them out of your head because they are not less than you. They are better than you! They came home with problems because they cared more about other people than you did. You may have been older than they were. That protected the part of your brain you are supposed to feel with.

Bet you didn't know that one! That's right. The frontal lobe is where the emotions are living inside of you and up until 25 that part of your brain has not grown up yet. So if you ended up risking your life at an older age than a high school kid, then count your blessings.

If they come home "messed up" then you should also look in the mirror because they served in the same military you did. Are you proud of your service? Did you do your job? Then what makes you think they are not proud of their service? Didn't do their job? They feel the pain more because they could feel everything else more.

For most of today it's been one comment left after another on a lot of the articles I've read by hacks posing as "troop supporters" at the same time they turn around and slander veterans.

PTSD is real and no they do not deserve to suffer.

PTSD is not new and one out of three combat veterans came home with it going all the way back to your great-great-great granddad. How much do you want to be that if you were able to know everything about your Civil War relative or Revolutionary War kin you'd end up finding out the war in one way or another ended their lives early?

This nation had better stop talking about doing something and getting it right, right now! Too many have died and many more have suffered while a lot of yakking is going on and not enough doing. The next time you hear one more talking head say that we need to take care of our troops and veterans, get themn to explain what the hell they have done instead of just talking about it when a veteran is in earshot. What has Glen Beck done? Sarah Palin? Any ideas? Did they ever mention during their airtime how many died by their own hand? How many ended up homeless? How many families were destroyed? Their talk is cheap and so is the attention they get because it does not cost them anything. They make money off talking. Folks these reports have been coming out since Vietnam. Both of them are old enough to remember about the way Vietnam veterans were treated and they should know better now.

The suicide rate keeps going up so if you want to hang onto the excuse they want to suck off the system then explain how they are supposed to do that when they are in an early grave~

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