
Thursday, July 1, 2010

Please help me

I am in financial distress and alone.(clarification: I work alone, still happily married) While I work with many fine organizations, I am independent of them so that I can provide all of them with equal guidance.

Two and a half years ago, I had a job that supported my volunteer work with veterans but the economy hit the church so hard, the job closed down and they had to rely on volunteers. After two years on a job I loved, I was out of work and shocked to discover I couldn't get unemployment because the church didn't pay into the system.

That was when I decided to become a Chaplain. The training, insurance, communication expenses and travel caused more financial hardship, but I trusted the Lord with all of it in His hands. After over 25 years working with veterans and all these years of doing it online, there isn't much I don't know about PTSD but when it comes to finding financial support, I am dumber than dirt. I am not very good at it at all.

Since I lost my job I have found only temp jobs with a week here, two weeks there but nothing I could depend on. It is very stressful offering spiritual counseling to veterans and their families, which I am more than happy to do, but the financial stress is often more than I can carry.

What you see on this blog as I track reports around the country is only a part of what I do. There are many emails and phone calls helping veterans. When you see videos I've created to provide education and emotional support, there are countless hours putting them together. During the hours spent online there are also many hours helping organizations understand what needs the veterans face on a daily basis. Most of these groups offer nothing in return for my help simply because they are just starting up with very tiny budgets.

I am willing to carry these burdens because I don't want anyone to ever feel alone with PTSD ever again. I remember what that felt like and it breaks my heart knowing so many still feel alone. None of what we're seeing in the veterans suffering has to happen. Healing is possible no matter how long they have been living with PTSD. I plan on doing this for many more years to come but what I cannot do is to be alone and struggling to be able to pay my bills.

If you are able, please help me by making a donation into PayPal. The button is on the sidebar. It's tax deductible. If you cannot donate, please pray that God willing, someone with the means to support me helps me carry on.

Then one poor widow came and threw in two mites, which make a quadrans.
So He called His disciples to Himself and said to them, “Assuredly, I say to you that this poor widow has put in more than all those who have given to the treasury; for they all put in out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty put in all that she had, her whole livelihood.”

Sincerely devoted
Chaplain Kathie


  1. Financial hardship and unemployment has a large membership at the moment. I’ll spread awareness of your need by putting this on my wall.

  2. Thank you. It's hard to ask for help when you are the "helper" but if I don't ask and have to give up, I will regret putting my pride ahead of what I do. How can I expect other people to ask for help when they need it if I do not?


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