
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Oregon Attorney General wants to shut down Veterans of Oregon nonprofit

A few things to think about here. I am a non-profit but I do not give things or money away to veterans. I give them my time, so my expenses are very low. That is why I do not do the usual fundraising. I need money to cover the hours and the expenses but that's it. Charities on the other hand claiming to do things for veterans, like feed them, put clothes on their backs, give them shelter or provide things for them, they need to spend the money on them and not themselves.
They do not need to spend it all but they do have to account for where the money goes.

As for me, I'm in the hole every month paying out of pocket more than comes in.

Oregon Attorney General wants to shut down Veterans of Oregon nonprofit
Published: Monday, July 19, 2010
Julie Sullivan, The Oregonian
Oregon's Attorney General wants a popular nonprofit that awards honorary medals to military veterans shut down for deceiving donors.

John Kroger said that Veterans of Oregon telemarketers told donors their money would feed, house and provide medical care for homeless and ill vets. Instead, 80 percent of the cash raised over two years -- about $500,000 -- went to the Michigan telemarketing firm making the calls.

The Department of Justice has sued the nonprofit veterans group and its for-profit fundraiser, Associated Community Services, saying it "spent nothing or only token amounts on the programs described" in solicitations. The state alleges that much of the remaining 20 percent went to founder John Neuman and his associates' expenses for the $6 medals and travel to award ceremonies.
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