
Monday, June 7, 2010

Veterans to be honored at Fourth of July baseball game

Vietnam veterans needed for local video

By Laura Eastes
Jun 7, 2010, 11:20

Veterans to be honored at Fourth of July baseball game

Army Veteran Ed Poley knows first-hand what it is like to never receive recognition for his service to the country during the Vietnam War.

He also knows other veterans who never received a "thank you" or a standing ovation for their service.

Poley, the executive director for the Whirlwind Career Counseling Center, said he will finally get the recognition he and fellow veterans deserve.

Area Vietnam veterans will be properly recognized and thanked for their service at the Fourth of July Bee Jay's baseball game. After the game, all Vietnam veterans will be asked to step down to the field for a presentation and crowd recognition.

"The stands will be full,” said Poley. “People will be sitting down on the sidelines. It is the best opportunity I know for saying to a group of guys and gals, 'thanks for a job well done.'”

Poley, like many Vietnam veterans, returned back to the United States being advised to change out of his uniform to avoid comments from anti-war protesters. Poley said he returned back to Kansas with no parades, no welcome home ceremonies and no recognition.

The presentation will feature a short video with music, photos and voice clips from area soldiers sharing experiences of coming back to the United States from Vietnam. Currently, Poley is interviewing as many Vietnam veterans as possible for the video presentation.
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Vietnam veterans needed for local video


  1. Whats the deal with these veterans that ride motorcycles and wear a patch called "COMBAT VETERAN MOTORCYCLE ASSOCIATION?" I have a friend who lives in R.I. who is a VNAM VET but was in the rear with the gear and he belongs to this group. He never claimed to be a "COMBAT VET" but now he wears this big Motorcycle Club type patch saying he is. He also told me that R.I. Combat Veteran Motorcycle Association denied membership to a Vietnam Combat Veteran who earned the CIB with the 25th infantry Div. This VNAM combat veteran met all the qualifications to join this group but seems the days of discriminating against Vietnam veterans are not over. The so called COMBAT Veteran Motorcyclist who denied the Vietnam CIB wearing veteran membership was a paper pushing lifer in Iraq and doesn't even have a Combat Action Badge. These people claiming to be Combat Veterans is bogus from where I sit. Talk about STOLEN VALOR!!!

  2. I found this online,,,,

    Section 1
    Any person:
    Of good character.
    Who is a Veteran of a Foreign War, "Combat".
    The ONLY Acceptable proof for membership to the Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association is a copy of one's DD 214 or ERB which must be surrendered to the BOD for verification.

    Maybe your friend should join the Nam Knights or Rolling Thunder or the Patriot Guard Riders. There are a lot of good groups out there. As for the Combat Veteran MC, they have it in their rules to check the DD214 of their members. I'm sure they checked. I am also sure you are aware that there were many with an MOS in Vietnam out of line with being considered "combat" forces but were sent on sweeps and did the same as "combat" forces. Depending on where they were stationed, all of them had to fight no matter what their MOS was.


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