At the Orlando VA hospital there was a great gathering of people dedicated to our veterans. This event was to address homeless veterans issues taking into account all the reasons they end up homeless. From substance abuse, to PTSD, lack of supportive family and friends, legal problems and lack of jobs, all the reasons were tackled.
There were people from the Department of Corrections and legal
Ms. Sherri Claudio LCSW
Atty. Robert Wesley Public Defender
and Ms. Maria Scruggs-Weston Inmate Program Supervisor
From the VA
Heather Gallagher LCSW, Program Coordinator
Brian Wright, LCSW, Outreach Social Worker
Lou Smith, Peer Support
From Housing
HUD/VASH team and Ms. Carolyn Smith of Winter Park Pointe
In the audience there were people from community services, service groups like the DAV and others working to help the veterans in Orlando and Central Florida. One of the most moving panels was the ex-homeless veterans themselves.
Hearing their stories about their service and then what followed left lumps in everyone's throats. All of them had their own stories and reasons why they ended up homeless but just when they thought there was no hope for them they found their way to the Orlando VA and the DOM. This program has never been about putting a roof over their heads for a few weeks but to provide what they need to be able to live on their own. This is a program dedicated to staying with them, right by their sides to help them stay in a place of their own.
The message is clear. Our homeless veterans should not be alone, or feel alone, when there is a army of dedicated people ready to help them. This is one of the best kept secrets in Central Florida. Many people I come in contact with are stunned to discover there is a homeless veterans facility on the VA grounds. They know even less about the work being done for veterans.
While we are far from being able to take care of every homeless veteran, we are so much closer to it than ever before with programs like today. The problem is, no one knows about it. The media doesn't seem interested in reporting on great things being done simply because people care. They need to report on the homeless veterans, just as they do all veterans, but they just don't seem willing to invest the time in getting to know any of these men or women.
These are our veterans and all most of them need is to know someone cares. They have found it right here in Orlando.
Now as for the work that still needs to be done, we need to get the local churches involved. There was someone from Northland in Longwood at this gathering. Northland has been very involved in the community for a long time, so I was not surprised to see someone from that church there, but I was very disheartened to not see more from the religious/spiritual community.
This is an issue that requires action from the faith based groups but too few have been interested. Unlike the general population needing help finding places to live and assistance when they have fallen on hard times, the vast majority of our homeless veterans ended up needing help because they served in the military. They have unique issues behind them and they need help to heal from combat in many cases, which is a spiritual issue above and beyond what others face.
We need all faith based groups involved in stepping up to help, not just the homeless veterans, but for all veterans before they end up homeless as well.
Chaplain Kathie
PTSD Consultant
Senior IFOC Chaplain
DAV Chapter 16 Auxiliary Chaplain
Kathie "Costos" DiCesare
web site
"The willingness with which our young people are likely to serve in any war, no matter how justified, shall be directly proportional to how they perceive veterans of early wars were treated and appreciated by our nation." - George Washington
Nam Guardian Angel is a Charter of the IFOC, (501c3)
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