
Friday, June 18, 2010

Congressman Joe Barton sorry for being sorry?

A shakedown? That's what he said when he apologized to BP for wanting to make them pay for what happened to our ocean, beaches, sea life and the people suffering because BP didn't bother to worry about what they were doing. He apologized! What's next? Saying sorry to Osama for putting the Twin Towers in the way of the planes his men hijacked?

What is wrong with this man? Yes, he did then apologize for the apology, but what he really felt was already said and the injury was delivered to everyone else in this country with the ability to understand right from wrong. Does this mean that his financial support from oil companies means more than this country itself? After all, the Gulf is part of this country and many people either depend on it for their living or for enjoyment but since he's just an elected official of this country, he must prefer to work for BP instead of us.

When other companies do wrong, they do in fact face court, should they end up being charged but this is beyond just a company doing bad or wrong. This ended up hurting the country and many states for who knows how long or even if any of this will recover from what was allowed to happen when BP said they had plans in place just in case anything did happen. They were supposed to care enough to make sure they did, but when they were allowed to operate at will, the rest of the story is still being written and if this man is not forced to resign, then the people of Texas should be very ashamed of themselves. After all, the tide could very well turn and then send the oil there way instead. How would they feel then? We're still praying it doesn't hit Florida!

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