
Friday, May 21, 2010

Military intelligence in Afghanistan didn't include weapons?

We sent troops into Afghanistan in 2001! It took the military this long to figure out the Afghan's had longer range firing power? Older guns were killing off our troops because they could reach them when the US guns couldn't reach back? And no one noticed this until now?

US rifles not suited to warfare in Afghan hills

The Associated Press
Friday, May 21, 2010; 4:41 AM

KABUL, Afghanistan -- The U.S. military's workhorse rifle - used in battle for the last 40 years - is proving less effective in Afghanistan against the Taliban's more primitive but longer range weapons.

As a result, the U.S. is reevaluating the performance of its standard M-4 rifle and considering a switch to weapons that fire a larger round largely discarded in the 1960s.

The M-4 is an updated version of the M-16, which was designed for close quarters combat in Vietnam. It worked well in Iraq, where much of the fighting was in cities such as Baghdad, Ramadi and Fallujah.
read more here
US rifles not suited to warfare in Afghan hills

Also reported was the fact the deadly attack the other day was carried out because they had uniforms.

Official: Bagram attackers wore U.S.-style uniforms
Insurgents who attacked Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan on Wednesday were wearing U.S. Army-style battle fatigue uniforms, according to a U.S. military official who has seen initial eyewitness accounts of the attack.

A second U.S. military official confirmed the initial accounts but said he did not know if all of the attackers were wearing U.S.-style uniforms.

The officials did not want to be identified because of the ongoing investigation.

Neither official could say whether the uniforms were stolen, or how the insurgents came into possession of them. U.S. military-style items are available on the internet for purchase.

Attackers had AK-47 rifles, rocket-propelled grenades and "typical Middle Eastern load-carrying equipment" such as ammunition belts and other military accessories, according to the first official.
read more of this here
Bagram attackers wore US style uniforms

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