
Friday, May 21, 2010

The Dry Land movie based on real PTSD veterans

'The Dry Land' sheds light on stress disorder
Filmmakers will premiere the movie in Boise.
By Dana Oland -
Published: 05/21/10

Filmmaker Ryan Piers Williams wants his movies to be about more than just entertainment. They have to be about real life.

"One of the most powerful things about movies is that they can raise questions, start conversations and inspire action," he says by phone from his New York apartment.

That was the goal from the beginning for Williams' feature debut "The Dry Land," a hard-hitting look at the growing problem of post-traumatic stress disorder among American service people returning from Iraq.

Produced by Boise's Heather Rae, it has won critical acclaim at the Sundance Film Festival and the grand prize at the Dallas Film Festival. Rae, Williams and star America Ferrera ("Ugly Betty") will be in Boise next week for a premiere screening to benefit the Veterans Resource Network Group and to kick off a series of screenings on military bases across the country.

Half the tickets will be sold to the public, half will be given to members of the military and their significant others.

Read more: The Dry Land sheds light on stress disorder


  1. Were they forced to enlist ?
    Were they drafted like during the Vietnam debacle ?
    No they ENLISTED.
    They volunteered; presumably without any objections from their family, friends or communities.

    Were these wars based on LIES ?
    And yes: 9/11 WAS an inside job.
    The Towers and WTC7 were blown up.
    The "Global War on Terror" is a massive, criminal, false-flag HOAX.

    I'm not the one volunteering to go into SOMEONE ELSE'S COUNTRY ... with NO FORMAL DECLARATION OF WAR (as the Constitution legally requires), under the auspices of a GLOBALIST command (NATO).

    I'm not the one volunteering (for the promise of pay and benefits) to go around kicking in someone else's door and shoving the barrel of a rifle in their face.
    I'm not the one bombing civilians and calling it "collateral damage".

    I fought against these lies and crimes from the very day they started on September 11, 2001.

    I feel bad for these suffering vets.
    But they are not helpless sheep or cattle.
    They made their own choices and must live with the consequences of those bad choices.
    I didn't make the choice for them.
    And I will not allow anyone to run some guilt trip on me for the consequences of those choices.

    Y'all need to RE-THINK what these criminal wars are about. You need to look truth in the face and deal with it.
    And stop wrapping that flag around your head like a turban. Its covering your eyes, making you blind, corrupting you ability to think and judge reality.
    And its making us the MOST HATED NATION ON THE PLANET.

  2. And you think that mouthing off on a blog makes you some kind of hero? You fought against what you think are lies and that's fine. They fought for your right to say whatever the hell you want to. Ever think of that?

    Do you have any clue at all why they serve? Is it for fame? Glory? Money? No. It's because they have their hearts tugged to do something for others. They don't risk their lives for "country" when they are in battle. They do it for each other. People like you will never get that.

    Suffering is not a "consequence" of a choice they made to serve. It is a consequence of being human and exposed to traumatic events. Can't get much more trauma than war but I bet you think that someone simply driving down the road, being hit by a drunk driver and ending up with PTSD is also to blame for deciding to get behind the wheel when a drunk driver was also on the road. How about tornadoes? Are they to blame because they lived where they did? Then tell that to the people in Springfield MA. I'm sure they'll appreciate hearing they are at fault for living there.

    When you're done, then maybe you can tell my husband, a Vietnam Vet that he has it because it is a consequence for enlisting instead of waiting to be drafted. I'm sure that will really make his day.


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