
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Group wants Billy Graham's son off Pentagon's National Day of Prayer event

There are things I agree with Mikey Weinstein. When he makes sure that all soldiers get to practice their faith or lack of it according to their own beliefs, I think it's a wonderful thing. Yet when he wants the honorary chairman left off the event itself, that is really going way too far. It's a free speech thing on top of that. People can say whatever they want but no one is forced to listen. If they are forcing the troops to listen, then that would be wrong, but if they have a choice, there should be no problem at all.

Group wants evangelist off May Pentagon event

By Dan Elliott - The Associated Press
Posted : Tuesday Apr 20, 2010 15:59:28 EDT

DENVER — A watchdog group on Tuesday objected to an evangelist’s invitation to speak at the Pentagon next month, saying his past description of Islam as “evil” offended Muslims who work for the Defense Department and the appearance should be canceled.

Mikey Weinstein, president of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, said inviting evangelist Franklin Graham to speak May 6, the National Day of Prayer, “would be like bringing someone in on national prayer day madly denigrating Christianity” or other religious groups.

It would also endanger American troops by stirring up Muslim extremists, Weinstein said.

Graham is the son of famed evangelist Billy Graham and president and CEO of both Samaritan’s Purse, a Christian international relief organization in Boone, N.C., and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, in Charlotte, N.C.
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Group wants evangelist off May Pentagon event



    What kind of wine has Mikey Weinstein been drinking?
    As an anti-Christian Jewish supremacist and as the president of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, he's doing all he can to create an anti-Jewish backlash and help bring about the predicted endtime Holocaust of Jews that'll be worse than Hitler's.
    Neither Falwell, Hagee nor any other Christian initiated this prediction. But Weinstein's ancient Hebrew prophets did.
    In the 13th and 14th chapters of his Old Testament book, Zechariah predicted that after Israel's rebirth ALL nations will eventually be against Israel and that TWO-THIRDS of all Jews will be killed!
    Malachi revealed the reasons: "Judah hath dealt treacherously" and "the Lord will cut off the man that doeth this."
    Haven't evangelicals generally been the best friends of Israel and persons perceived to be Jewish? Then please explain the hate-filled back-stabbing by David Letterman (and Sandra Bernhard, Kathy Griffin, Bill Maher etc.) against followers of Jesus such as Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann.
    Weinstein wouldn't dare assert that citizens on government property don't have freedom of speech or press freedom or freedom to assemble or to petition the government.
    But God-hater Weinstein maliciously wants to eliminate from government property the "free exercise" of religion - especially by evangelicals - a freedom found in the same First Amendment. Significantly, this freedom was purposely listed FIRST by America's founders!
    And Weinstein wouldn't try to foist "separation of church and state" on strongly-Jewish Israel, but he does try to foist this non-Constitution-mentioned phrase on strongly-Christian America.
    In light of Weinstein's Jewish protectionism and violently anti-Christian obsession, Christians in these endtimes should be reminded of Jesus' warning in Mark 13:9 (see also Luke 21:12) that "in the synagogues ye shall be beaten."
    Maybe it's time for some modern Paul Reveres to saddle up and shout "The Yiddish are Coming!"

  2. Anonymous, you put a lot of thought into this and I can understand how angry you are. That said, Weinstein is not a God hater. He follows his own faith. This he wants to make sure all others are able to do as well. This is what God wanted when He gave man freewill to decide to worship Him or not. There are many different faiths praying to the same God.

    There are some Christians believing that their direction came from Christ and they hold compassion, mercy, charity and love above all things. This is how I try to live my life although imperfectly. I am Greek Orthodox, which is one of the oldest Christian "churches" and I am sure you know the letters from Paul very well. There are denominations of Christians like
    Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann following their own doctrine which I do not understand to be based on what Christ said. Then again, there are many different branches of Christianity following their own doctrine as they see fit.

    The problem with allowing one branch of the Christian faith to dominate, it is not so simple. Catholics and Orthodox Christians have very simple beliefs and the followers are not usually confused by much at all. There are many different Protestant denominations with their own beliefs, teachings and rules. Some believe in charity while others believe that if they are blessed with being rich, God selected them and if someone is poor, they are on their own because God judged them and they deserve to be poor.

    I know I can walk into any Greek Church and hear the same teachings, hear the same kind of sermon but if I walk into a Protestant Church in any denomination, I will not be sure what I will hear. I've been in many different churches visiting and I am stunned by the difference in their teachings.

    While I don't know very much about Franklin Graham's sermons, I know Billy Graham's very well and have several of his books. I adore him and the fact he never really let politics get in his way or felt he was able to attack any other group of people. Rev. Graham, with true wisdom and humility, reached out to everyone preaching what Christ said we should do as Christians. No one had a problem with him giving any sermon because he never crossed the line in speeches or interviews.

    We need to remember that the men and women serving in the military all come from different faiths. While most are Christians, they come from different denominations and different teachings guiding their beliefs. They also serve next to others with different beliefs.

    This is why protection of Separation of Church and State must be protected. We want it to be as simple as possible but when you think of the fact there are so many different Christian churches, you need to wonder which doctrine would win and which ones would lose.

    Greek Orthodox Christians are a minority in this country, just as all Orthodox Christians are, even though we are the oldest, but with the idea of majority rule, we would be put into a sub-class along with Catholics, because there are so many Protestants and the we'd have to figure out which Protestants faith would rule. It's not so simple when you look at the whole picture.


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