
Saturday, March 6, 2010


Press Release

VA leaders and former troops with firsthand knowledge discuss veteran suicide-prevention
WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Daniel K. Akaka (D-Hawaii), Chairman of the Veterans’ Affairs Committee, held an oversight hearing today on veteran suicide and mental health issues. Akaka, who has championed a number of veterans’ mental health and suicide-prevention bills which are now law, sought to hear from veterans and VA leadership on the implementation of these measures.

“Just as we must provide our troops with the equipment and tools they need when they are sent to battle, we must do more to help veterans battle the enemy of mental illness,” said Akaka. “VA has made important improvements in recent years, but we must continue to work until what now seems impossible becomes a reality: that no veteran who returns from service is lost to suicide.”

Akaka is the author of the Veterans’ Mental Health and Other Care Improvements Act (Public Law 110-387), a sweeping veterans’ mental health bill passed in 2008 to address the dual issues of substance abuse and PTSD among veterans. This legislation paid tribute to Justin Bailey, a veteran who died of a drug overdose while receiving treatment from VA for PTSD and substance abuse. Akaka also cosponsored the Joshua Omvig Veterans Suicide Prevention Act, passed in 2007 to improve VA’s suicide prevention efforts and establish a counseling hotline that has led to over a thousand rescues.

The hearing witnesses drew from firsthand knowledge to discuss the challenges faced by veterans with invisible wounds, which sometimes produce tragic consequences. Mr. Daniel Hanson, an Iraq war veteran, discussed his difficult road from attempted suicide to recovery, to which he largely credited a year-plus residential recovery program outside of VA. A witness from VA’s suicide prevention hotline described the successful rescue of a veteran who had attempted to take his own life.

The Chairman’s opening statement is available here. For the full witness list and witnesses’ written testimony, please visit

Chairman Daniel K. Akaka
Today we will address mental health issues confronting veterans, with a particular emphasis on the risk of suicide. These are grave and troubling matters that I fear are becoming more prevalent as we send servicemembers into combat zones on repeated occasions.

When we send men and women in uniform into battle, we seek to provide them with equipment to protect them from the physical dangers. Too often, however, we do not provide sufficient protection and preparation for the equally serious mental dangers they will face. Mental illnesses prevalent among today’s veterans include PTSD, depression, and substance use disorders. Unfortunately, many of those suffering from such disorders do not seek proper help.

The rising rate of suicide among these men and women is especially heart breaking. The best information available suggests that about 18 veterans kill themselves every day. In December 2009, the Army reported 17 suicides of active duty members. In January, the Army reported 27 confirmed or suspected suicides. These are very troubling and sobering numbers.

I mention these statistics to open a broader discourse on mental health care issues affecting veterans - and the need for focused and increased attention - to effectively address these matters. As a nation at war, it is our responsibility to fully explore ways to help those suffering from mental health disorders, and to develop preventive measures to safeguard against the risk of suicide.

We have made a promise to care for the invisible wounds of veterans, and we must be vigilant in ensuring we keep that promise. This obligation is not limited just to the time after a veteran separates from the service. We must ensure we prepare deploying servicemembers for what they might experience, and make sure that resources are available during deployment to help them cope.

We must ensure that returning servicemembers are screened carefully, that those who need assistance are provided appropriate mental health care, and that all those leaving the military have a seamless transition to VA. It is also vitally important that family members be involved throughout these same periods.

As a senior member of the Armed Services Committee, and as Chairman of this Committee, I know that VA is a leader in providing mental health care and suicide prevention services. It is my strong hope that VA and DOD will work together to provide the best care to those in need. I continue to believe that it is very difficult to provide effective mental health care to someone still in active service. For that reason, I encourage VA and DOD to increase cooperation so that resources are used to their fullest potential and no veterans or servicemembers are overlooked or ignored.

We had a productive hearing on mental health issues in April 2007. That hearing contributed to the passage of mental health care legislation dedicated to Justin Bailey, a veteran who overdosed while receiving treatment from VA for PTSD and substance use disorder. I hope to learn about how VA is implementing the provisions of the Bailey bill.

VA has made great strides in improving the care and services available to veterans, but there is always more that can be done. I hope that our witnesses today can help us have a constructive discussion on what VA is currently doing, what VA can do better, and what VA needs to start doing. I look forward to hearing more about what the latest research is telling us, and how we can implement these findings to keep VA on the cutting edge of mental health care delivery.

While it is never possible to prevent all suicides in all cases, that must not stop us from trying. I thank the witnesses for being here this morning and look forward to their testimony.

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