
Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Take a look at EFT for veterans

There is no one size fits all treatment for PTSD. What works for one may not work for another. The across the board facts are;
PTSD stops getting worse when they seek help just as antibiotics stop and infection from spreading.
Alcohol and drugs, (self-medicating) make PTSD worse as well as causing more stress for the families, in turn, making it harder on the veteran to heal.
Treating the whole person has the best results. Psychologically, physically and emotionally, treating the mind-body and spirit.
Perhaps the most hopeful aspect in all of this is the fact it is never too late to stop letting PTSD win. Even in the cases where a veteran has committed suicide, the family can heal and needs help to heal because they are suffering. It is never too late for anyone.

The key is to keep trying until you find what works for you other than avoiding it or trying to numb it. That is not healing.

This is one thing that may help some. While there are many different levels of PTSD there needs to be different types of responses to it. Watch the video and talk to your doctor about trying this if nothing else seems to be working.

Don't give up. Take care of your mind-body-spirit so that the whole you can heal.

About Energy Psychology:
Energy Psychology is a set of therapies that work directly on the body to produce psychological change. They bypass the process of talking extensively about past traumas, which often simply reinforces the negative experience. Instead, they make use of visualization or verbal statements to reframe problems, accompanied by very specific routines employing breathing, tapping, or massage. This combination of recall of past traumas, coupled with physical stimulation, has been found by thousands of ordinary people, as well as physicians, therapists, coaches, and psychiatrists, to produce startling and permanent relief of the emotional charge associated with traumatic events.
read more here


  1. here are some more specifics on EP:
    Energy Psychology (EP), is a term originally coined by Fred Gallo, indicating those methods that work with the energy systems in the body. They work with the meridians (acupressure points), chakras, auric fields, etc, and include Thought Field therapy (TFT), Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing), Tapas Acupressure Technique (TAT), Be Set Free Fast (BSFF), CLEAR (CLearing Limits Energetically with Acupressure Release), WHEE (Whole Health Easily and Effectively), and Advanced Integrative Therapy (AIT). These therapies work to clear past issues that get stuck in the energy field of the body thus impacting current behavior. EP heals phobias, anxiety, depression, lack of motivation, PTSD, blocks to potential and it can heal emotion-related physical problems. These methods work quickly and permanently heal the blocks that hold us back. There is an association for energy psychology, called the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP), and many related websites.

  2. Thank you for the extra information. This can help a lot of veterans but as a reminder to readers, there is no one size fits all.

    Yoga works for some, martial arts for others, the key is to do something to help you heal. Stop suffering and start living again.

    If one thing does not work, seek another. Don't give up on finding what works for you.


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