
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Is America Getting Over Keith Olbermann

Dear Keith,
When no one was talking about the men and women deployed into Afghanistan and Iraq, you were.
When the reason they were sent into Iraq was finally being reported, you were doing it.
When they were not getting the equipment they needed, you reported it.
When they were not being treated properly by the DOD or the VA, you reported it.
You reported on the increase in homeless veterans, had on many advocates for the veterans and showed how much you cared.
These reports of your's were not about politics, but about doing the right thing. You were passionate about the men and women in the military as well as the National Guards and Reservists.
Over the years you've reported on many things that regular Americans face and we knew there was someone caring about all of us and not just politically connected.
You also did Oddball with a lot more stories and managed to usually have something from Florida in that part of your show.

The thing is Keith, I haven't been watching your show lately either. While it is important to report on what is going on in Washington and get the truth out, there are more stories out there you used to report on. That's the thing you need to return to. Be passionate! When something big happens in politics, report it but don't let that be the only thing you talk about. We've had enough being put into boxes by FOX telling the majority of Americans they are not worthy to watch their shows while constantly being attacked and to have Countdown do the same makes people turn to CNN. FOX is FOX and seen in every part of the country. So is CNN. As I travel, I usually can't find MSNBC on hotel feeds. Your show will do fine if you return to what made people watch you in the first place. You're smart, well informed, trying to make a difference but above all, you really do care, so put that care into good use and limit the rants that divide instead of talking about what just human/Americans need talked about.

Is America Getting Over Keith Olbermann?
Posted 5:57 PM 01/29/10 People, Media
Keith Olbermann was already a renowned sportscaster when he rose to prominence as a political commentator. This was during the Bush Administration, when the left was badly in need of a forceful voice to rally around. Such was his popularity that MSNBC reoriented its entire primetime lineup around it.

But now the Democrats control Congress and the White House, and there are creeping indications that the world may not have quite as much need of -- or patience for -- Olbermann and his shtick as it once did.

Ratings for Olbermann's Countdown have been soft recently, and the 8 p.m. shows on CNN and HLN have narrowed the gap. In the important demographic of adults 25 to 54 -- the group advertisers are looking to reach -- Countdown was down 44% year-over-year in January. It averaged 268,000 viewers in that demo, only 3,000 more than Nancy Grace's show on HLN, and 12,000 more than CNN's Campbell Brown. Fox News's O'Reilly Factor dominated the hour with 964,000 viewers age 25 to 54, and was the only cable news show in the time period to increase its audience, by 55%.

But there are also more subjective signs that Olbermann's stridency and lack of proportion are alienating some of his natural allies. Quite a few eyebrows elevated last week when Jon Stewart, in a parody of one of Olbermann's "Special Comment" segments, called out the newsman for going way over the top in his denunciations of Republican Senator-elect Scott Brown of Massachusetts. The criticism was all the more remarkable, given that Stewart and Olbermann usually take the same side on most issues, especially when it comes to Fox News and the Republicans.
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Is America Getting Over Keith Olbermann

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