
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Marine reservist attacked Greek priest he mistook for terrorist

Do you think we have a really huge problem when a Greek Priest is attacked for asking directions just because he has a thick accent and speaks very little English? Greek Priests wear robes and grow beards! What is going on when something like this happens?

Tampa police: Marine reservist attacked Greek priest he mistook for terrorist
By Alexandra Zayas and Demorris A. Lee, Times Staff Writers
In Print: Wednesday, November 11, 2009

TAMPA — Marine reservist Jasen Bruce was getting clothes out of the trunk of his car Monday evening when a bearded man in a robe approached him.

That man, a Greek Orthodox priest named Father Alexios Marakis, speaks little English and was lost, police said. He wanted directions.

What the priest got instead, police say, was a tire iron to the head. Then he was chased for three blocks and pinned to the ground — as the Marine kept a 911 operator on the phone, saying he had captured a terrorist.
read more here
linked from RawStory

1 comment:

  1. One of the worst things about having a blog is every now an then someone like you climbs out from under a rock somewhere.

    That is a pathetic statement to make. I happen to be Greek Orthodox and you are totally misinformed. Gee I bet you are part of a tiny fraction of society that believes Greeks are not Christians when WE WERE THE FIRST ONES of the gentiles to follow Christ! I allowed your comment but really wish you were more confident in what you said that you had the courage to use your own name instead of hiding behind anonymous. May God forgive your miserable state. By the way, they wear pants under their robe.


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